
Mistake itu apa ?

Kesalahan adalah pelajaran yang seharusnya membuat manusia menjadi lebih bijaksana.

Ketika kita melakukan kesalahan, jangan pernah terlalu hanyut memandang kebelakang memikirkan kesalahan itu. Ambil pelajaran darinya lalu majulah kedepan.

Kita tahu bahwa masa lalu tidak dapat kita ubah, tetapi bagaimana kita akan membentuk masa depan kita, kesempatan itu masih ada pada genggaman kita.

Think twice, act wise…

mistake is an erroneous belief, at contracting, that certain facts are true. It can be argued as a defence, and if raised successfully can lead to the agreement in question being found void ab initio or voidable, or alternatively an equitable remedy may be provided by the courts. Common law has identified three different types of mistake in contract: the 'unilateral mistake', the 'mutual mistake' and the 'common mistake'. It is important to note the distinction between the 'common mistake' and the 'mutual mistake'.

A unilateral mistake is where only one party to a contract is mistaken as to the terms or subject-matter contained in a contract. This kind of mistake is more common than other types of mistake. One must first distinguish between mechanical calculations and business error when looking at unilateral mistake. For mechanical calculations, a party may be able to set aside the contract on these grounds provided that the other party does not try to take advantage of the mistake, or 'snatch up' the offer (involving a bargain that one did not intend to make, betrayed by an error in arithmetic etc.). This will be seen by an objective standard, or if a reasonable person would be able to know that the mistake would not make sense to one of the parties. Unless one of the parties 'snatched up' the one-sided offer, courts will otherwise uphold the contract.

Conversely, when a party is guilty of an error in business judgment, there is no relief.

Leading British cases on unilateral mistake are Smith v Hughes[Case 1] and Hartog v Colin & Shields.[Case 2] There are situations, such as in the contracting and subcontracting contexts, where a subcontractor provides a bid that would not seem reasonable in the context of industry norms. Similar to Donovan v. RRL Corp.,[Case 3] if a person sees an advertisement and there is a mistake that a person reading the newspaper would believe to be a valid offer and there is sufficient reliance on the offer, then it is unlikely that a court will rescind the contract. In the case of Donovan, the error in the newspaper was not the fault of the car dealer. The mistake was made on the part of the newspaper company that printed the error. This would be more of an example of a mutual mistake. Both the buyer (Donovan) and seller (RRL Corp.) mistakenly believed that the advertisement was correct. As is discussed in the mutual mistake section on this page, most likely a court will excuse each of a duty to perform the contract. Mutual mistake theory will also discuss the factors that will determine the allocation of risk in the event of a mutual mistake. The test to determine the allocation of risk is as follows: A defendant should bear the risk of the mistake if: (i) the agreement allocated the risk to the defendant; (ii) the defendant was aware of having limited knowledge with respect to the facts to which the mistake related but treats his limited knowledge as sufficient; or (iii) the court finds that it is reasonable under the circumstances to allocate the risk to the defendant. Given the facts in Donovan, who is in the better position to bear the risk? The car dealer who provides the advertisement? Or the consumer? Many jurisdictions would claim that the car dealer has more knowledge in this regard than a consumer. A consumer, generally, will not be aware of errors in an advertisement nearly as often as a commercial seller of goods who is in the business of advertising their own products to the public at large.

As any area of law, any doctrine has its exceptions. In Speckel v. Perkins,[Case 4] there was a unilateral mistake by one of the parties. However, the mistake should have been apparent to a reasonable person in the position of the party who did not make the mistake. The court determined that the offer of US$50000 was, on its face, clearly a mistake. The correct amount, as both parties were aware, was for US$15000. The question raises, at what point will the unilateral mistake become so apparent that it leaves unilateral mistake theory and enters into mutual mistake doctrine?

It is also possible for a contract to be void if there was a mistake in the identity of the contracting party. In the leading English case of Lewis v Avery[Case 5] Lord Denning held that the contract can be avoided only if the plaintiff can show, that at the time of agreement, the plaintiff believed the other party's identity was of vital importance. A mere mistaken belief as to the credibility of the other party is not sufficient.

Shogun Finance Ltd v Hudson[Case 6] is now the leading UK case on mistake as to identity [2003] UKHL 62. In this case, the House of Lords stated there was a strong presumption the owner intends to contract with the person physically present before him and only in extreme cases would the presumption be rebutted.

A mutual mistake occurs when the parties to a contract are both mistaken about the same material fact within their contract. They are at cross-purposes. There is a meeting of the minds, but the parties are mistaken. Hence the contract is voidable. Collateral mistakes will not afford the right of rescission. A collateral mistake is one that 'does not go to the heart' of the contract. For a mutual mistake to be void, then the item the parties are mistaken about must be material (emphasis added). When there is a material mistake about a material aspect of the contract, the essential purpose of the contract, there is the question of the assumption of the risk. Who has the risk contractually? Who bears the risk by custom? Restatement (Second) Contracts Sec. 154 deals with this scenario.

This is easily confused with mutual assent cases such as Raffles v Wichelhaus.[Case 7]

In Raffles, there was an agreement to ship goods on a vessel named Peerless, but each party was referring to a different vessel. Therefore, each party had a different understanding that they did not communicate about when the goods would be shipped.

In this case, both parties believed there was a "meeting of the minds," but discovered that they were each mistaken about the other party's different meaning. This represents not a mutual mistake but a failure of mutual assent. In this situation, no contract has been formed, since mutual assent is required in the formation stage of contract.

A common mistake is where both parties hold the same mistaken belief of the facts.

The House of Lords case of Bell v Lever Brothers Ltd.[Case 8] established that common mistake can void a contract only if the mistake of the subject-matter was sufficiently fundamental to render its identity different from what was contracted, making the performance of the contract impossible.

Later in Solle v Butcher,[Case 9] Lord Denning added requirements for common mistake in equity, which loosened the requirements to show common mistake. However, since that time, the case has been heavily criticized in cases such as Great Peace Shipping Ltd v Tsavliris Salvage (International) Ltd.[Case 10]

Those categories of mistake in the United States exist as well, but it is often necessary to identify whether the error was a "decisional mistake," which is a mistake as a matter of law (faced with two known choices, making the wrong one), or an "ignorant mistake," unaware of the true state of affairs.

The difference is in the extent to which an innocent in the information chain, passing along or using or processing incorrect information, becomes liable. There is a principle that an entity or person cannot be made more liable merely by being in the information chain and passing along information taken in good faith in the belief that it was true, or at least without knowledge of the likelihood of falsity or inaccuracy.


Shirohige Kaizokudan

Kelompok Bajak Laut Janggut Putih (Shirohige Kaizokudan) atau dikenal dalam Kelompok Bajak Laut Shirohige adalah kelompok bajak laut fiktif yang dipimpin oleh Edward Newgate (sang Shirohige) dalam manga dan anime One Piece. Kelompok ini merupakan kelompok yang terkuat di cerita ini.
  • Nama asli Shirohige, Edward Newgate, diambil dari nama depan bajak laut terkenal, Edward Teach di kehidupan nyata.
  • Lambang Bajak Laut Era Baru dapat dilihat di infus Shirohige, tetapi dalam bentuk tanpa tanda coret.
  • Beberapa karakter di One Piece punya tawa yang unik, untuk Shirohige adalah "gurara" ("Gurarararara !

hitebeard pirates dari Kelompok Bajak Laut ini adalah tengkorak dengan pisau melintang di mulutnya (layaknya kapten mereka). Melainkan tulang, di belakang tengkorak adalah lambang mirip swastika, namun dengan arah lengkung yang berlawanan (Maji).Kapal yang saat ini baru diketahui adalah kapal induk dimana Shirohige Berada, dan diketahui kalau namanya adalah Mobby Dick. Beberapa pemimpin divisi atas Shirohige juga ada disitu, juga prajurit-prajurit baru dari kelompok ini. Anjungan kapal ini berupa paus. Kapal lain dari Shirohige ini adalah kapal pribadi dari Komandan Divisi 2, Ace, yang digerakkan oleh kekuatan buah iblisnya. Kapal ini bernama Striker. Sebagai salah satu Kelompok Bajak Laut pimpinan seorang Yonkou, Kelompok ini termasuk Kelompok Kuat. Kelompok besar ini terbagi atas kelompok divisi, dengan total 16 Divisi.

Bajak laut ini adalah kelompok yang disebut-sebut terdekat dengan One Piece, sejak awal Shirohige memang meresahkan Pemerintah, terutama ketika mengadakan pertemuan dengan Shanks. Sejauh ini belum diceritakan "dampak" yang diperbuat kelompok ini bagi dunia, mengingat kelompok ini adalah salah satu Yonkou, keberadaannya mengancam Pemerintah Dunia.

  • Kapten

Edward Newgate atau dijuluki Sang Kumis Putih (Shirohige) merupakan pimpinan dari Kelompok Bajak Laut Shirohige, yang diambil dari namanya. Pria besar ini juga dijuluki sebagai Manusia Terkuat di Seluruh Dunia yang juga anggota dari 4 Kaisar Grand Line Yonkou, danPria yang paling dekat dengan One Piece karena kekuatannya yang luar biasa. Edward digambarkan sebagai pria besar (bukan raksasa), yang memiliki banyak infus di tubuh tetapi masih selalu minum sake. Dia adalah orang yang keras kepala, tetapi prinsip keadilan terhadap anak buahnya sangat kuat. Seperti yang ia tunjukkan pada Shanks, kalau ia harus memburu Kurohige (Marshall D. Teach) karena telah membunuh Satch, sehingga tanggung jawabnya sebagai pimpinan untuk membalas dendam. Ia menganggap semua anggotanya sebagai putranya sendiri.

Edward Newgate pertama muncul pada cerita 245, dimana Gorosei membicarakan tentang pertemuan berbahaya antar Shanks dan Shirohige. dia menolak surat pertemuan dengan Shanks dan menyuruh Shanks yang datang ke tempatnya. Kemudian diketahui pada cerita 434, setelah Luffy dan kawan-kawan menaklukan Enies Lobby, Shanks dan Shirohige mengadakan pertemuan di New World.


Edward Newgate adalah orang satu-satunya yang pernah menandingi sang raja bajak laut Gold Roger, dan pada saat pertarungannya, Shanks dan Buggy juga ikut bertarung dengannya. Pertarungan Roger dan Edward berakhir seri. Edward sekarang menjadi salah satu Yonkou yang berkuasa di New World, bersama musuh lamanya, ,Shanks. Edward juga dikejutkan oleh pelarian salah satu anggotanya, Marshall D. Teach, atau yang dikenal dengan Kurohige yang lari dengan membawa buah iblis dan membunuh anak buahnya, Sachi. Edward kemudian mengutus komandan divisi 2nya, Ace agar memburu Teach. Tetapi usaha itu ditentang oleh Shanks, karena merasa itu hanya menyia-nyiakan nyawa Ace karena Kurohige sangat kuat (garis luka di mata Shanks adalah bekas luka saat bertarung melawan Kurohige). Dalam pertemuan Shanks dan Shirohige di New World, akhirnya mereka berdua bertarung karena perbedaan pendapat tentang Ace. Benturan antara senjata mereka mengabikibatkan langit di sekitar mereka terbelah. Saat Ace dikalahkan oleh Kurohige dan akhirnya ditangkap angkatan laut, Shirohige marah besar. Apalagi dengan pengumuman hukuman mati Ace di Marine Ford, membuat Shirohige dan armadanya berencana menyerang Marine Ford dan menyelamatkan Ace.

Kekuatan dan Keahlian

Sebagai seorang "Yonkou" ataupun pria dengan julukan pria terkuat, Shirohige kuat sebagai kapten bajak laut ataupun dalam segi pertarungan. Meskipun ditikam, dipukul, dan ditembak sekalipun dia masih dapat bertarung sekuat tenaga. Senjatanya adalah semacam pedang tombak bernama Bisento yang selalu dibawanya saat bertempur.

Seluruh badan Shirohige dipenuhi infus, dan ia selalu dalam perawatan kesehatan, tetapi terlihat selalu minum sake. Ada bekas luka sepanjang dadanya, yang belum diketahui siapa yang melakukannya, yang menunjukkan betapa kuatnya dia.

Shirohige adalah pemakan buah iblis Gura Gura yang dapat menciptakan getaran seperti gempa. Ditambah tombak Bisento, dia membelah Marine Ford dan menciptakan dua gelombang tsunami, serta membelah langit seperti yang dilakukannya saat adu pedang dengan Shanks.


Selalu menganggap semua krunya adalah putranya sendiri yang membuatnya menyuruh kepala divisi 2 Ace untuk membunuh Marshall D. Teach/Kurohige karena membunuh kepala divisi 4 Sachi. gaya tertawanya adalah "Gurarararara!!"

  • Komandan Divisi 1

Marco pertama muncul di cerita 245, bersama Joz, menjawab pertanyaan Rockstar dengan "tidak". Dia dikenalkan pada cerita 434. Marco bertubuh kecil dibandingkan Joz atau anggota lainnya, juga tidak memegang senjata apapun. Memiliki kekuatan buah iblis tipe Zoan. Biasa dipanggil "Marco si burung Phoenix". Marco sangat kalem bahkan ketika Shanks datang ke kapal.

Shanks kelihatannya mengenal Marco, dilihat dari tawarannya untuk merekrut Marco ke kelompoknya dan katanya " tutup mulutmu".

Pada cerita 554 diketahui bahwa Marco mempunyai kekuatan yang unik yaitu "mythical beast" zoan type, yang mana tubuhnya dapat berubah menjadi hewan legenda "phoenix" yang berbalut api biru. Kekuatan ini merupakan gabungan tipe zoan (mengubah bentuk menjadi hewan) dan logia (mengubah bentuk menjadi api). Selain itu,Marco juga bisa beregenerasi karena kekuatan DF nya.Oleh karena kekuatannya itu ia diberi julukan Marco the Phoenix. Nama buah iblis yang dimakannya belum diketahui karena tidak ada disebut di dalam cerita.

Pertarungan vs Admiral Kizaru vs Squardo(Setelah Squardo menikam Whitebeard) vs Admiral Aokiji vs Admiral Monkey D Garp vs Admiral Kizaru & Vice Admiral Onigumo vs Admiral Akainu

Portgas D. Ace

  • Komandan Divisi 2

Artikel utama: Portgas D. Ace


  • Komandan Divisi 3

Komandan divisi 3, yang berbadan besar, dan berotot. Pertama muncul di cerita 245, dimana dia menjawab pertanyaan anak buah Shanks, Rockstar, apakah dia mengenalnya, dia hanya menjawab "tidak".

Joz memiliki tubuh besar bahkan dibandingkan dengan Ace dan Marco, kekuatanya Berdasarkan cerita 553 yaitu ia dapat mengubah tubuhnya menjadi berlian, yang mana tubuhnya akan berubah menjadi keras seprti berlian yang sukar dibelah. Pada cerita 554 ia menahan tebasan penghancur kapal milik mihawk dengan jurus "diamond jose" nya. Nama buah iblisnya belum diketahui karena belum ada disebut pada cerita ini.


  • Komandan Divisi 4

Komandan divisi 4 yang dahulu mendapatkan Buah Iblis Yami Yami dari sebuah misi, tetapi ketika Kurohige melihat buah yang diincarnya itu, Kurohige langsung membunuhnya. Karena kematian Satch-lah, Ace memburu Kurohige.

Komandan Divisi 5-16


Merupakan komandan divisi 5 kelompok bajak laut shirohige. Pertama kali muncul saat pertempuran besar di Marineford. Bersenjatakan dua pedang (cutlass), kemampuan berpedangnya bisa jadi sangat hebat, karena mampu mengimbangi Mihawk dalam pertarungan pedang. Karena Vista-lah, Luffy terus melaju untuk menyelamatkan Ace, ketika Mihawk menghadang.


Merupakan komandan divisi 10 kelompok bajak laut Shirohige. Pertama kali muncul saat pertempuran besar di Marineford. Bersenjatakan pistol ditangan dan semacam bazoka di punggungnya. Dengan kemampuan menembaknya, Curiel yang bertugas meladeni Gecko Moria, si shicibukai 320 juta beri tersebut.Ia dikalahkan oleh Akainu


Atomos adalah komandan divisi 13 dan orang bertubuh besar yang mencela Doflamingo saat membunuh Oars jr. Dia dipermainkan oleh Doflamingo dengan kekuatan buah iblisnya. Dia dijuluki "kerbau air".


Organisme apa ini?

kelompok organisme yang tidak memiliki membran inti sel. Organisme ini termasuk ke dalam domain prokariota dan berukuran sangat kecil (mikroskopik), serta memiliki peran besar dalam kehidupan di bumi. Beberapa kelompok bakteri dikenal sebagai agen penyebab infeksi dan penyakit, sedangkan kelompok lainnya dapat memberikan manfaat dibidang pangan, pengobatan, dan industri. Struktur sel bakteri relatif sederhana: tanpa nukleus/inti sel, kerangka sel, dan organel-organel lain seperti mitokondria dan kloroplas. Hal inilah yang menjadi dasar perbedaan antara sel prokariot dengan sel eukariot yang lebih kompleks. Bakteri dapat ditemukan di hampir semua tempat: di tanah, air, udara, dalam simbiosis dengan organisme lain maupun sebagai agen parasit (patogen), bahkan dalam tubuh manusia.] Pada umumnya, bakteri berukuran 0,5-5 μm, tetapi ada bakteri tertentu yang dapat berdiameter hingga 700 μm. Mereka umumnya memiliki dinding sel, seperti sel tumbuhan dan jamur, tetapi dengan bahan pembentuk sangat berbeda (peptidoglikan). Beberapa jenis bakteri bersifat motil (mampu bergerak) dan mobilitasnya ini disebabkan oleh flagel.


Full Moon o Sagashite

Full Moon o Sagashite (満月をさがして Furu Mūn o Sagashite?

, literally "Searching for the Full Moon") is a Japanese shōjo manga by Arina Tanemura. According to the furigana, the kanji 満月 in the title are read furu mūn ("full moon") and not mangetsu or mitsuki, the Japanese words for the full moon. In North America, the series is published as Full Moon. although the full title is given on the front cover.

The manga was published by Shueisha in the

magazine Ribon from January 2002 to June 2004 and collected in seven tankōbon volumes. The manga is published in North America in English by Viz Media. The series was adapted as an anime television series produced by Nihon Ad Systems, which ended before the manga was completed, plus an OVA distributed with an issue of Ribon. The series was broadcast on TV Tokyo, where it enjoyed high ratings,[citation needed] and is also licensed in North America by Viz Media.12-year-old orphan Mitsuki Koyama is a talented singer who dreams of becoming a pop idol, but she is afflicted with sarcoma, which is curable only through a surgery that could ruin her vocal cords, and destroy her ability to sing. The tumor in her throat already affects her ability to breathe well and sing loudly. On top of that, her grandmother hates music, and is completely opposed to Mitsuki's wish to audition. Mitsuki’s dreams seem impossible to achieve, until one day she is visited by two shinigami, whom only she could see. The shinigami, Takuto and Meroko, inadvertently tip Mitsuki off that she has only one year left to live.

Mitsuki then realizes she cannot wait any longer to fulfill her dream, so she runs away from home and the shinigami, to try to audition for a singing competition. However, the shinigami stop her before she is able to audition. She moves Takuto, the male shinigami, to agree to a compromise: If Mitsuki promises to go quietly when her year is up, he would help her become a singer, so she could leave the world with no regrets. Takuto gives her the ability to transform into a completely healthy 16-year-old, so that she could meet the age requirements of the audition, and sing without hindrance.

Despite heavy competition, Mitsuki wins over the judges with her excellent voice and her enthusiasm for singing, sealing a contract with Seed Records. To conceal her true identity, she chooses the stage name "Fullmoon" ("Fullmoon," a single word, which is a name, in contrast to "Full Moon" such as in the series title, which refers to the actual moon).

Mitsuki had decided to become a singer two years before, when she was 10 years old. She had made a promise with Eichi Sakurai, a 16-year-old boy she met at her orphanage, that the next time they met, they would both be closer to their dreams. Eichi wanted to become an astronomer and Mitsuki wanted to become a singer. Shortly after, Eichi was adopted and emigrated to America before Mitsuki could express her feelings for him. Mitsuki hopes that by becoming a famous idol, Eichi would be able to hear her sing and realize her feelings for him.

Because the manga continued to be written after the anime series completed, the plots of the manga and anime take different paths after the point of Mitsuki's first singing audition. The two stories share common themes, but events develop differently as the series advances, and some of the characters in the anime have different histories and personalities from their manga counterparts.

For example, in the manga, Mitsuki is never allowed to go to school, while in the anime, Mitsuki attends middle school regularly, and many episodes involve her interactions with classmate friends.

Also, in the anime, Mitsuki tries to convince Oshige and Wakaoji that Fullmoon is her "older sister." However, by episode 19, Mitsuki decides to end the charade, admitting to Oshige and Wakaoji that Mitsuki and Fullmoon are one and the same, and that she changes via Takuto's and Meroko's magic. She proves this by performing a transformation in front of them (much to their astonishment), and Wakaoji and Oshige become friends with Takuto and Meroko for the rest of the series. By contrast, in the manga, no human other than Mitsuki knows about the shinigami in detail. Oshige and Wakaoji eventually deduce Mitsuki is also Fullmoon, but they never know specifically how that was accomplished. In only one frame do they mention a time when Mitsuki told them of shinigami, and Wakaoji says simply, "I believe her."

Mitsuki's love for Eichi plays a lead role in her quest to be a singer. She wishes to be a singer because she thinks her songs will reach America, where Eichi lives, and will recognize her. However, in the manga, Takuto finds out that Eichi died in a plane crash the day of his departure and Mitsuki knew all along and pretended that he was still alive. In the anime, she goes to America to meet a doctor who might treat her illness and uses the chance to track down Eichi's adoptive family, who tell her that Eichi died in a car accident two months after moving. In both versions, she becomes emotionless and blames herself for his death. In the anime, she is so depressed that she gives up singing, refuses to eat and sleep, stares at a photo of her and him, and considers suicide. In the manga, she continues with singing but does so so that she can exhaust herself to death and "go to the world Eichi is at". At the end of both versions, with the help of her friends, she realizes that Eichi would have wanted her to live and fulfill her dreams, so she continues singing and fulfills her promise to him.

In the manga, Takuto is more blunt about his feelings for Mitsuki, even forcibly kissing her and trying to force himself on her. Mitsuki becomes more aware of her feelings for him earlier and even goes on a date with him. At the end, he awakens from a coma (he wasn't really dead) and reunites with Mitsuki three years later. While in the anime, he holds back his feelings for her and doesn't confess until her final concert. At the end, he is granted a second chance to live and has no memories until Mitsuki calls for him and seems to realize who she is.

In the manga, Meroko still has feelings for Izumi, who is more open about his love for her. Izumi is also more amusing and teasing than is cold and cynical self in the anime. Meroko accepts that she loves Izumi and they become partners again in the manga, while their relationship is left uncertain in the anime.

In the manga, Mitsuki is cured of her illness by her frequent transformations, which lessened her cancer, after she agrees to take the surgery. In the anime, Mitsuki takes the surgery after her final concert and it successfully allows her to keep her voice.


Mitsuki Koyama (神山 満月 Kōyama Mitsuki?) Voiced by: myco (Japanese), Katie Rowan (English)
A 12-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a pop singer, but who has a tumor in her vocal cords which restricts her ability to sing. She grew up in an orphanage, and then later went to live with her strict grandmother, Fuzuki, who forbade her from singing. When Mitsuki learns that she'll die if her vocal cords aren't removed, she refuses the surgery, saying she is more afraid of never singing again than she is of dying. With Takuto's help, she transforms into Fullmoon (フルムーン Furumūn?), a 16-year-old pop idol, completely free of cancer and able to sing. As Fullmoon, she is discovered by Seed Records during an audition, and in both the manga and anime she is depicted as releasing several hit singles. The anime ending theme songs are all supposedly sung by Fullmoon. Mitsuki chooses the stage name Fullmoon because mitsuki means "full moon" in Japanese, and because her childhood friend, Eichi Sakurai, wants to become an astronomer, and the name reminds her of him. Mitsuki decided to become a singer when she was ten years old, because she made a promise with Eichi that they would fulfill their dreams the next time they met.
Mitsuki desires to become a singer because she wants to tell Eichi that she loves him. However, the shinigami eventually discover Eichi is dead. In the manga, they realize Mitsuki knew this all along; in the anime, Mitsuki learns of his death during a trip to America. Both the manga and anime revolve around Mitsuki dealing with Eichi's death, as well as her eventual feelings for Takuto.
Mitsuki is portrayed as an assertive young girl whose personality has matured far beyond her chronological age, and who, in spite of terrible circumstances, stays optimistic and determined. She smiles, even when she harbors pain inside herself. Eichi observes this, comparing Mitsuki to the moon: "The other side of the moon has craters made by meteors...the moon shines while hiding all its wounds" (chapter 3). This trait is also noted by Takuto. Although she always smiles, deep down she is suffering largely due to her desire to see Eichi (as well as her grief over his death). She blames herself for his death because he would not have gotten on the plane if she had confessed to him. Her grief causes her to withdraw from everyone and even considers suicide just so that "she can go to the world Eichi is at".
Halfway through the series, Mitsuki realizes that she loves Takuto but feels guilty for it because she is afraid of forgetting Eichi. With the help of Meroko, she decides that she loves them both and is able to confess to Takuto, as well as accept that Eichi would have wanted to her to be happy. By the end of the series, she is cured of her illness and is able to pursue a singing career and relationship with Takuto, but keeps Eichi in a special place in her heart. Mitsuki's corkscrew hairstyle was inspired by Ai Kago of the group Morning Musume.[2] Mitsuki herself is modeled on one of Arina Tanemura's assistants, Airi Teito.[3]
Eichi Sakurai (桜井 英知 Sakurai Eichi?) Voiced by: Ryohei Kimura (Japanese), Graden Gant (English)
Mitsuki's childhood friend and first love. In the anime, he is six years older than her; in the manga, he is four years older. After his parents died, Eichi lived with his grandfather. When he died as well, Eichi moved to the orphanage where he met Mitsuki. They became fast friends, and he eventually fell in love with her, confessing his feelings just before moving to America. Mitsuki was heartbroken when he left, as she could not yet confess her true feelings to him. Part of the reason she wanted to become a singer was to find him. In the manga, Eichi dies when his flight to America crashes (which Mitsuki learns immediately); in the anime, Eichi dies in a car accident a few months after moving (which Mitsuki doesn't find out until her trip to America, two years later). In the manga, Takuto's first assignment was taking Eichi's soul, but Eichi refused to depart the world and instead stays near Mitsuki as a spirit, which gives her the power to see shinigami. He stays with her until the end of the manga, when he leaves after seeing that she is now happy and wants to live on, and no longer needs his presence. As he disappears, he smiles lovingly at her while crying.
Fuzuki Koyama (神山 文月 Kōyama Fuzuki?) Voiced by: Kazuko Sugiyama (Japanese), Maureen Jones (English)
Mitsuki's grandmother. She initially hates music because she believes that it has stolen everyone she has loved. She becomes angry when Mitsuki sings in her house. After Mitsuki runs away from home to become Fullmoon, disappearing from her life, Grandma Fuzuki constantly worries about her, gradually accepts the fact that she cannot keep Mitsuki from music, and the two reconcile. In the manga, as a young woman Fuzuki was best friends with Moe Rikyou (the human who became Meroko), and they both fell in love with a violinist, Seijuro Koga. He chose Fuzuki as his fiancée, but Fuzuki refused the engagement out of loyalty to Moe. When Fuzuki announced this to Seijuro, she gave him a final kiss, but Moe, already hearing of their engagement, misread the scene, ran off, and committed suicide in despair. Fuzuki later married another man and had Hazuki, who became Mitsuki's mother. Seijuro married another woman, who gave birth to Aoi Koga--Mitsuki's father. At the end of the manga, Fuzuki reunites with Seijuro (both are by then widowed), and they attend Mitsuki's concert together--strongly implying they are finally a pair. In the anime, Fuzuki was engaged to a man who wanted to become a famous pianist. He became obsessed with practicing the piano, and when she suggested he should relax a bit, he said she did not understand and left Japan, breaking Fuzuki's heart.
Yoneya "Yone" Tanaka (田中 よね Tanaka Yone?) Voiced by: Mayumi Akado (Japanese), Suzette Mattar (English)
Fuzuki's maid. She acts silly at times, but cares deeply for both Fuzuki and Mitsuki. Tanaka is skilled at cooking, cleaning, shopping, and appears to take pride in her abilities as a maid. She is also something of a snoop and often eavesdrops on conversations. In the anime, Tanaka is shown as loving music and she has a radio with headphones so that she can listen without Fuzuki knowing; Mitsuki sometimes uses this to blackmail Tanaka. Tanaka also has a crush on Wakaoji and is jealous of Oshige, mistaking her to be Wakaoji's fiancée. In one episode, she challenges Oshige to a contest to see which of the two would make a better bride. Although Tanaka wins all events, she concedes the contest when she sees Wakaoji and Oshige laughing together, believing the two are in love (which is actually true in the manga, but not in the anime).
Keiichi Wakaoji (若王子 圭一 Wakaōji Keiichi?) Voiced by: Teruaki Ogawa (Japanese), Gerrick Winston (English)
Mitsuki's doctor. He played keyboard in the band ROUTE:L along with Mitsuki's father, Aoi Koga, and Takuto Kira, but he quit after Aoi's death. Fans called him the "Prince of ROUTE:L" becausewakaōji means "young prince" in Japanese. In the manga, Wakaoji performed the surgery on Takuto to remove the tumor in his vocal cords and witnessed Takuto's suicide. Mitsuki learns that Wakaoji loved her mother because of a letter he thought she had written him, but Wakaoji falls in love with Oshige when he discovers the letter was from her. In a side story, he asks Oshige to marry him and she accepts. In an episode of the anime, Mitsuki asks him to go out with her and he says yes. He cares for Mitsuki because she looks like her mother.
Masami Oshige (大重 正実 Ōshige Masami?) Voiced by: Tomomi Seo (Japanese), Kris Rundle (English)
Fullmoon's 28-year-old manager, and a former avid fangirl of ROUTE:L, especially Wakaoji. She started out as an unsuccessful idol singer, under the stage name Yuina Hanakazari (花飾 結菜Hanakazari Yuina?), before moving into management. In the manga, she has an affair with her boss out of loneliness despite his being married. She truly loves Wakaoji, having been smitten with him since his days in Route:L, but she feels she is too old and unworthy of true love with a man. To cope with this despair, as well as with the pressures of her job, she often loses herself in a bottle ofsake. (In reality, Arina Tanemura says Masami is a heavy drinker because Tanemura's editors like to drink, and Oshige's name is a hybrid of the editors' names.) At the end of the manga, Wakaoji discovers Masami is the one who composed the mysterious love letter, making her the one he really loved all that time, and so asks her to marry him.
Madoka Wakamatsu (若松 円 Wakamatsu Madoka?) Voiced by: Kana (Japanese), Carol-Anne Day (English)
Madoka Wakamatsu is the stage name of Chisato Kurebayashi (暮林 千暁 Kurebayashi Chisato?). Madoka is Fullmoon's rival in the music industry, who at the same time befriends 12-year-old Mitsuki. While talented, she is constantly upstaged by Fullmoon because she initially lacks the heart Mitsuki gives her songs. In addition, she is insecure because she had plastic surgery to make herself beautiful as a celebrity and was disowned by her family as a result. Madoka has a small pig called Gu-chan (ぐっちゃん?), who worships her. Although she sometimes takes out her anger on Gu-chan, she is genuinely fond of him. In the manga, Madoka is shown as having pride as well as ambition: she refuses to cheat to win over Fullmoon, even once resigning a commercial offer to Fullmoon when she realizes that Fullmoon would have won if Madoka hadn't inadvertently stolen her lyrics. In the anime, Madoka is not above using underhanded tactics to best Fullmoon and does so several times, although she eventually changes her ways--particularly after learning some humility the hard way. In both versions, Madoka cares very much about Mitsuki/Fullmoon by the end of the story. At the end of the anime (episode 52), Madoka brings Mitsuki flowers following her surgery, and at the end of the manga, Madoka cries when thinking about Fullmoon having cancer: "Why? Why does it have to be her?" (chapter 29).
Aoi Koga (古雅 葵 Koga Aoi?) Voiced by: Hiroki Takahashi
Mitsuki's dead father, and former guitarist and songwriter for the band ROUTE:L. He acted as a father figure for the orphaned Takuto. In the manga, he died in an accident while driving Hazuki to the hospital to give birth to Mitsuki; in the anime, he died when Mitsuki was one year old.
In the manga, Aoi is shown as a laid-back, cool-tempered man. Arina Tanemura states that "He loves wearing Buddhist priest work clothes!" Aoi was very close to his bandmates and friends, Keiichi Wakaoji and Takuto Kira. He asked Takuto to name his daughter, and Takuto decided on Mitsuki (vol. 4, bonus manga, Totsugeki Dokodoko). He is only briefly seen in the anime, including a scene where he gives a music box to Hazuki when she named their daughter Mitsuki.
Nachi (那智 Nachi?)
The lead singer of the duo OZ, who befriends Mitsuki (as Fullmoon) because she was the first person in the music industry to genuinely smile as she spoke to him. He cherishes her friendship and takes it upon himself to find a stalker hurting people close to her. Nachi and Madoka fall in love, though Gu-chan is jealous of him. When Madoka finds he has an old photo of her with her unattractive childhood fiancé, Soichiro Shido (紫堂 総一郎 Shidō Sōichirō?), she assumes Nachi is Soichiro's friend, pretending to love her to get revenge for her rejection of Soichiro. Madoka apologizes to Soichiro's mother and asks to break off the engagement because she loves Nachi, only to discover Soichiro is Nachi, after having plastic surgery to become an idol in hopes of making her love him. In the end, they remain engaged and a happy couple. Nachi does not appear in the anime.
Hikari Hayashi (林 光理 Hayashi Hikari?)
Hikari was Takuto's girlfriend while he was alive. Takuto discovered that she was cheating on him and the two were on the verge of breaking up when Takuto attempted suicide and went into a coma, after which Hikari realized that she still loved him. She later sees Takuto (visible to humans while he was about to go on a date with Mitsuki) and attempts to revive their relationship, which causes problems between Takuto and Mitsuki. Hikari only appears in the manga.


The shinigami are the spirits of humans that committed suicide, who are then punished with the task of collecting souls. If a shinigami fully remembers his or her past life before becoming a fullshinigami, he or she disappears and becomes a ghost. In the manga, Mitsuki is the only human who knows about the shinigami (other than Grandma Fuzuki, who befriends Meroko in her "plushie doll" form, but does not know she's a shinigami, nor realizes Meroko is a friend from many years ago). However, in the anime, when Mitsuki admits to Oshige and Wakaoji her double-identity, she also admits the existence of Takuto and Meroko, as well as their supernatural powers. Oshige and Wakaoji befriend Takuto and Meroko, and frequently interact with them when they're in doll form.

Takuto Kira (タクト·キラ Takuto Kira?) Voiced by: Yakkun Sakurazuka (Japanese), Jeffrey Watson (English)
Takuto is Meroko's partner and trainee, and they are assigned to take Mitsuki's soul. His shinigami costume is a cat outfit plus a backpack with wings, without which, as a trainee shinigami, he cannot fly. Takuto is capable of transforming into a anthropomorphic cat plushie. Moved by Mitsuki's plight, he transforms her into the 16-year-old Fullmoon. Takuto falls in love with Mitsuki as the story goes on. As the series progresses, he remembers his past as Takuto Kira (吉良托人 Kira Takuto?), the lead singer of ROUTE:L, the band that both Mitsuki's father and her doctor were in. After a malignant tumor in his throat took his voice, he attempted suicide by jumping from the top floor of the hospital, witnessed by Dr. Wakaoji. He remained in a coma for the next two years. In the manga, a twelve year-old Takuto named Mitsuki before she was born, and later met her at the orphanage when she was four years old. At the end of the series, Takuto saves Mitsuki's life, violating fate and his duty as a shinigami. At the end of the manga, he is seen as a human again in the hospital, having lost three months of memories. Three years later, he reunites with Mitsuki during her concert. Mitsuki jumps off stage mid-song and confesses her feelings to him. They kiss amid cheers from the concert crowd. In the anime, the circumstances of Takuto's death are changed: he is in a motorbike accident and dies rather than remaining in a coma. After being given a second chance at life, Takuto has no memory of his former lives as human or shinigami, but still carries the cat charm Mitsuki gave him. In the final scene, Meroko (now an angel) leads Mitsuki to Takuto. Mitsuki calls out to him, and he recognizes her.
Meroko Yui (めろこ·ユイ Meroko Yui?) Voiced by: Chieko Honda (Japanese), Leda Davies (English)
Meroko is a rabbit shinigami with long ears, capable of transforming into an anthropomorphic bunny stuffed toy. Her shinigami costume in the manga is black; whereas, in the anime it is red. Meroko is particularly insecure in relationships. At one point she laments, "I've finally run away from love... but when I fell in love and lost it, I realized that there's no place to run anywhere, anymore. Do I have to repeat this forever? Is this my punishment?" (bonus story in manga volume 3, A Kiss for Meroko). This insecurity gives her jealousy towards Mitsuki. Meroko is Takuto's partner and has an unrequited infatuation with him. Her jealousy in the manga causes her to act out almost violently against Mitsuki. In the anime, she is more passive; however, the anime depicts her love for Takuto as being much deeper and more permanent than the manga. Meroko is Izumi's former partner; in the manga, it is Izumi who selects her unique costume. Both the manga and the anime reveal a previous relationship between Izumi and Meroko and allude to it as being unhealthy but mutual. Eventually Izumi ends the relationship and partnership; Meroko is forced to train Takuto as a replacement. The anime does not address Meroko's past, while the manga does: As a human, Meroko was named Moe Rikyo (里匡萌 Rikyō Moe?), and was the best friend of Mitsuki's grandmother, Fuzuki. Fuzuki was in an arranged engagement to another man, but both she and Moe fell in love with Seijuro Koga, a handsome violinist. However, Seijuro returned only Fuzuki's affections and arranged things so the two could be engaged. Fuzuki's loutish ex-fiancé was passed on to Moe, who, shocked by the new arrangements, sought out Fuzuki to verify the truth. At the same time, Fuzuki broke off her relationship with Seijuro and was giving him a final kiss when Moe arrived. The upset Moe ran away; soon afterwards, her new fiancé attempted to rape her. Feeling betrayed by her friend, Moe committed suicide. In the manga, Meroko learns Seijuro is Mitsuki's grandfather and assumes Mitsuki is the descendant of Fuzuki's betrayal. In a rage, Meroko tries to take Mitsuki's soul with a whip, but Takuto intervenes. It is later revealed that Fuzuki did not marry Seijuro but later married another man, with whom she raised Hazuki Kouyama, Mitsuki's mother; Seijuro married another woman, and their child was Aoi Kago, Mitsuki's father.
Meroko eventually makes amends in the manga both by befriending Fuzuki in her rabbit form and by appearing silently as Moe, allowing Fuzuki a chance to explain and apologize although shinigami law prevents her from replying.
The manga ends with Meroko and Izumi reconciling their relationship as well as becoming shinigami partners once more. In the anime, Meroko is exiled from the shinigami and resolves to become a ghost in order to save Takuto; in reward for this kindness, she is made into an angel and given Takuto's soul to deliver a second chance.
Izumi Rio (いずみ·リオ Izumi Rio?) Voiced by: Megumi Ogata
Izumi is a cold and distant shinigami assigned to the Pediatrics Ward. He can transform into an anthropomorphic dog plushie, but rarely does so because it takes a lot of energy and he says it is embarrassing. He likes to call other characters by nicknames.
In the anime, Izumi's background is not mentioned and he is portrayed as a cold-hearted antagonist. He makes several attempts to steal Mitsuki's soul, and although he claims to love Meroko, he frequently does things to hurt her. He also implies that he was responsible for Takuto and Meroko being assigned to Mitsuki in the hopes it would cause Takuto to remember his past life as a human and turn him into a ghost. The anime portrays Izumi's sole motivation as the need to regain Meroko and cause Takuto pain in the process.
The manga illustrates Izumi as mischievous but not sadistic, and over the course of the series, he also befriends Mitsuki and the others. Izumi's background in the manga is elaborate: In his human life, he was a boy named Lio Izumi (泉利緒 Izumi Rio?) whose mother was abusive; it is implied that the young Izumi looked much like his late father, thus invoking his mother's rage. In a desperate attempt to see his mother smile again, six-year old Izumi ran onto the train tracks - but though he saw his mother smile as he was hit, Izumi woke up again as a shinigami, dissatisfied. In the manga, it is stated that Izumi retained all of his memories after death, a very unusual feat for a new shinigami. Eventually, Mitsuki helps him realize that he had wanted his mother to call him back from the tracks. At the end of the manga, Izumi and Meroko team up once again and become sweethearts.
Jonathan (ジョナサン Jonasan?) Voiced by: Norihisa Mori
Jonathan is the shinigami who becomes Izumi's partner after Meroko leaves. He wears a top hat and often speaks rather odd phrases in English. Throughout the series, he appears subservient to Izumi, while conducting covert operations including revealing to Mitsuki that the shinigami already knew that Eichi was dead and becoming a fanatic who tries to harm Fullmoon and her friends. In the manga, it is eventually revealed that he is really Sheldan (シェルダン部長 Sherudan-buchō?), the head of the pediatrics ward. He attempts to take Mitsuki's life, but is stopped by Takuto, Meroko, and Izumi. He was the second shinigami to be born, and shows great affection towards Mystere. In the final chapter, he uses up all his powers to heal Takuto's throat and give him his voice back, and disappears along with Mystere. In the anime adaptation, Jonathan's role is minor, acting only as Izumi's sidekick and a source of annoyance.
In an author's freetalk in the manga, Tanemura mentions that one day at work, she drew a picture of what she thought Peeves from Harry Potter looked like. She showed it to her assistants, who laughed and said it did not look anything like Peeves. Tanemura decided not to waste it, and used the sketch as the design of Jonathan in ghost form.[4]

Death Master (死神主人 Desu Masutā?)
Also called Mystere (ミスティア Misutia?), the Death Master was the first human soul to descend to the Underworld and is the crowned queen of the Underworld. After discovering she could take the souls of humans, she encountered a dying young girl who asked her if she was a shinigami, which convinced her that she was one. Fragile and sentimental, she is believed to be the most powerfulshinigami. When Meroko enters her room to erase Mitsuki's name from the rolls of the dead, Mystere gives her the keys to free Takuto, and later she listens with a smile to Mitsuki's final performance as Fullmoon. At the end of the manga, when Mystere and Sheldan disappear after using up their power healing Takuto's throat, they seem to show great affection for each other, and Mystere says that unlike the last time she died, she has no regrets about it. In the anime, there is no backstory to her, and she appears briefly near the end, forgiving Takuto and Meroko, forbearing Mitsuki's and Takuto's deaths, and granting Meroko the status of an angel.