
New Info Seal Online

ni urutan reputasi seal

1. 0=baby 6%
2. 50=drifter
3. 120=nameless
4. 264=expendable
5. 581=brute
6. 1220=vandal
7. 2439=hoodlum
8. 4635=thug
9. 8806=henchman 5%
10. 14019=peon
11. 20563=citizen
12. 28683=amateur 4%
13. 30000=amateur (kasur)
14. 38866=recruit
15. 51595=greenhorn
16. 67506=rookie 3%
17. 87395=novice
18. 112256=apprentice
19. 143332=graduate 2%
20. 182178=fodder
21. 230735=grunt
22. 291413=veteran 1%
23. 367301=trooper
24. 462138=berserker
25. 580685=centurion
26. 728869=praetorian
27. 936326=liutenant
28. 1226766=commander
29. 1633382=hero
30. 2202645=noble
31. 2999612=majestic
32. 4115336=venerable
33. 5677423=master
34. 7864301=golem
35. 10925931=immortal
36. 41 jt~ =archgod


Bagi yg blm tau crnya ke Sevis, dr kota Elim pergi ke warp di selatan (bawah), nanti sampai di daratan red soil barat, dr sini ke
warp kiri menuju daratan red soil timur. Dr sini ke kiri bawah dan kau akan menuju kota Sevis. Ingat baik2 bahwa sebelum kau sampai ke kota Sevis, kau akan menemukan desa gypsy yg terletak tepat di depan kota.


Syarat mendapatkan dan menyelesaikan quest ini : Sudah menyelesaikan quest utama dr Peterson ttg hilangnya bale dimasa depan. Quest ini akan berujung dgn mendapatkan quest lanjutannya yg berjudul
Bereth Past, dgn klien Arus (di masa depan), dgn misi mencari tahu masa lalu Bereth. Cara utk menyelesaikan quest dr Peterson silakan liat di panduan2 sblmnya .

Jika sudah dpt quest ini,bicaralah dgn semua npc yg ada di desa gypsy depan Sevis kecuali Cruis , setelah itu temuilah NPC Cruis. Bicara dgn dia, nanti dia blg tlh mengenalmu, dan utk mengetahui alasannya, dia akan memberikan quest utk mencari 20 sherif badge utk membuktikan kekuatanmu. Sherif badge dpt diperoleh dr Servanguy, lvl 160, bale ini terletak di sekitar area desa
gypsy tsb. Ada banyak cara utk mendapatkan 20 sherif badge, bbrp diantaranya:
1. Cari sendiri
2. Minta tmn
3. Beli dr org =p
Terserah mo pake cr apa, yg ptg setelah mendapatkan 20 sherif badge kembalilah ke Cruis dan serahkan. Nanti dia akan bicara bahwa dia adalah Knight ke 4, dan bahwa dia ditugaskan utk mencari tahu keanehan yg tjd di Sevis, lalu bla bla bla, nanti kau akan dpt quest Find the missing person,
yaitu quest cr org hilang (maksudnya Bereth). Setelah dpt quest ini bicara dgn tetua gypsy yg terletak di dekat Cruis. Nanti dia akan blg bahwa utk mendapat informasi drnya, berikan dia 30 sharkfin, yg didapat dr Rayshark the 3rd. Dptkan itu, trs serahkan ke dia, nanti dia akan bercerita (baca sendiri ceritanya =p) setelah itu kau akan diberikan surat utk disampaikan ke tetua Sevis.
Skrg masuklah ke dalam kota Sevis dan temui tetua sevis. Tanyakan ttg Bereth dan kau akan mendapat bbrp informasi drnya, kemudian dia akan menyuruhmu utk pergi ke Gua Red Soil, tmpt awal semua peristiwa bermula. Skrg pergilah ke gua red soil. Jika tdk tahu lokasinya, lihat map dataran red soil tmpt desa gypsy berada, ada 2 warp yg terletak di atas (utara), pergi ke warp yg PLG KIRI. Nanti kau akan menemukan pintu masuk gua, tp tdk bs masuk krn terhalang suatu kekuatan. Balik lg ke tetua Sevis utk menanyakan hal ini, nanti dia akan memintamu utk menemui Sabin ( ada di kota ini jg, terletak di sekitar toko barang) yg dia rasa tahu lbh banyak dr dia. Temui dia, trs dia akan berkata mungkin
Elf Queen (Ratu Peri) tahu sesuautu, tp para peri tdk akan bicara kepada manusia, krn itu dia akan memberikanmu semacam tanda terima. Skrg pergi menemui Elf Queen. NPC ini terletak di Pegunungan Poibus di Air Mancur Urte. Utk pergi ke tmpt ini pertama2 pergi ke pegunungan Poibus yg terletak di warp bawah (selatan ) kota Sevis. Setelah sampai di map Pegunungan Poibus, liat kanan map ada gambar semacam kolam / danau, pergilah ke sana. Nanti kau akan sampai di semacam menara air. Pergi ke BELAKANG MENARA itu, dan cr area kanan pohon2 sekitarnya, akan kau temukan 3 peri yg tersembunyi disitu, yaitu elf 1, elf 2, dan Elf Queen sendiri. Bicara ke Elf Queen. Dia akan blg dia tdk mau bicara kpd manusia, tp setelah melihat tanda terima dr Sabin,
dia akan mau berbicara kepadamu. Dia akan meberikan bbrp informasi, trs akan memberikanmu quest Vinagh Crest, yaitu utk mendapatkan tanda terima dr elim Vinagh. Dia akan memberi tahu cr membuka gua hanya kalau kau sudah mendapatkan crest ini. Skrg dptkanlah crest ini, dgn cara menemui Vivi, sang Elim Vinagh, yg terletak di desa gypsy hutan laywook. Bicara dgn Vivi, dan dia akan berkata bahwa dia sudah tdk punya lg item itu, sbg gantinya dia akan memberikanmu Guardian Crest. Stlh dpt, perlihatkan itu kepada Elf Queen. Nanti dia akan memberitahu bahwa cr utk masuk ke gua adalah hadapkan item itu di depan pintu masuk gua dlm keadaan terbalik (*sigh*).
Selain dia memberitahukan "informasi yg sangat berguna itu", dia akan memberikanmu sebuah Kristal Aleph utk bisa melihat masa lalu yg tjd di gua itu. Skrg pergilah lg ke depan pintu masuk gua red soil. Pintu akan terbuka, setelah itu kau dpt masuk ke dalam gua. Di dalam gua, lurus saja trs (tenang, tdk ada bale di dlmnya =p) sampai menemukan huruf Q( cahaya yg berpendar). Pecahkan kristal aleph disitu dan kau akan melihat masa lalu yg tjd yg melibatkan Bereth, Poppin,Etwa dan Samael. Beritahukanlah apa yg kau lihat kepada Elf Queen. Nanti dia akan memberikanmu infotmasi tambahan, dan informasi itu menjadi quest yaitu Elf Queen Answer. Serahkan ini kepada klien utamamu, yaitu Arus di masa depan. Arus akan berterima kasih bahwa kau telah membantunya, dan BAM!, dpt 10k reputasi ,dan quest Bereth Past pun selesai. Skrg yg tersisa di inventorimu adalah quest Find the missing person, kembalilah ke Cruis, ceritakan yg tjd kepada Bereth, dan dia akan berterimakasih (dgn sedikit lelucon), dan kelarlah quest ini. Yg jd masalahku skrg adalah APA YG TJD SESUDAH INI? Jika menyimak baik2 perkataan Cruis, dia blg akan memberikanmu sesuatu yg mungkin berguna di masa depan, tp tdk tdp apa2 di inventoriku. Dia jg blg utk menemui Duran di gua red soil, tp guanya sudah tdk bs dimasuki lg. Entah bug, entah memang blm diupdate. Bagi yg mengalami hal yg berbeda tlg post disini. Anyhow, g br sempet sampai sini.


1.Barbara dan Wid

Pergilah ke kota Sevis dan temuilah Barbara, yg 'katanya' adalah gadis yg plg cantik di desa itu. Setelah itu temuilah Wid di penginapan.
Ternyata Wid jatuh cinta kepada Barbara ddan memintamu menyerahkan bunga kepadanya. Serahkan bunga itu ke Barbara, Barbara akan berterimakasih dan dia akan blg bahwa ada hadiah yg dpt membuatnya jatuh cinta pd pria manapun yg memberikanya hadiah itu. Tp utk mengetahui apa itu, barbara akan memintamu utk memberikannya apel, krn dia sedang diet =p. Beritahukanlah ke wid, dia blg bahwa dia punya banyak apel, dan memberikanmu satu.
Berikanlah ke Barbara, dia akan senang dan memberitahumu bahwa hadiah itu adalah Rainbow Flower serta memberikan alasannya. Baliklah ke wid utk memberitahukan hal itu. Wid nanti akan berkata bahwa dia tahu dimana mendapatkannya, tp krn dia sedang sibuk, dia memintamu utk mewakilinya (*sigh*). Skrg dptkanlah Rainbow Flower ini. Masih ingat Elf queen? Temuilah dia dan bicaralah dgn penjaganya, elf 1 dan elf 2. Salah 1 penjaga itu akan memberikanmu Rainbow flower itu, serahkan itu ke Wid. Wid akan berterima kasih dan dia blg akan menemui Barbara utk menyerahkan bunga itu kpdnya. Skrg temuilah Barbara dan bicara dengannya.
Setelah itu lihatlah adegan Wid melamar Barbara. Setelah itu, bicara lg kepada Barbara, dia akan berterimakasih kpdmu. Skrg kembalilah ke wid utk mengambil 'upahmu'.
Bicaralah dgnnya, dan dia akan berterimakasih dan memberikanmu hadiah. Dan quest pun selesai.

2. Sistine dan Baldea

Temuilah nenek Sistine (ada di kota sevis jg), nenek ini terletak di sekitar peternakan Sevis (atas kota). Dia akan bercerita bahwa dia adalah nenek Baldea (what?), dan bahwa dia kangen dgn cucunya itu. Krn itu dia akan memberikanmu surat utk tlg diserahkan kepada Baldea. Skrg temuilah Baldea yg ada di Gua Clements (nga tau lokasinya tanya tmn =p). Baldea akan bercerita kpdmu bbbrp hal dan bahwa dia sibuk shg tdk dpt menemuinya dan dia akan memintamu utk memberikan surat balasan.
Berikanlah surat ini ke nenek Sistine, dan akan muncul adegan Baldea menemui nenek Sistine. Nenek Sistine akan berterimakasih kepadamu dan quest pun selesai.

3. Jimmy dan Beorin
Temuilah keluaraga Din yg terletak di peternakan, yg terdiri dr Din (ayah), Gunlett ( anak perempuannya ) dan Jimmy ( anak laki2nya). Dr mereka kau akan mengetahui bahwa Jimmy bs sihir, walau mereka tdk mengerti sebabnya.
Bicaralah kepada Jimmy setelah itu, dan dia akan memberitahukanmu bahwa dia mendapatkan kemampuan ini dr salah satu anggota dr org2 yg pernah menolongnya (maksudnya Beorin dan 4 pahlawan). Dan dia jg akan memintamu utk menyerahkan hadiah terima kasih kpd 'gurunya' itu, krn dia blm sempat melakukannya dan tdk bs melakukanya sendirian.
Skrg temuilah Beorin di masa depan (ada di dlm warp menara pelatihan kota Elim yg dijaga oleh 3 D.End, trs pilih pilihan ke 2 pd tmpt warpnya). Beorin akan terkejut krn anak itu masih ingat pd dirinya, pdhal dia telah menghapus ingatannya. Setelah itu, kembalilah ke Jimmy dan beritahukan kepadanya bahwa kau telah menyerahkan hadiah itu. Jimmy akan berterima kasih dan quest pun selesai.


Catatan : Dianjurkan min lvl 135 atau mempunyai status def 700++ utk menyelesaikan bbrp quest diatas, alasannya adalah krn sepanjang menyelesaikan quest diatas kau akan melewati sekumpulan bale berbahaya, spt bird wife, Bear F2, Maid Fish dan Dr DOO, yg dpt membuatmu mati sblm sampai tmpt tujuan =p.
Atau pergilah dlm grup. Dan setelah menyelesaikan semua quest2 diatas (Quest Lanjutan dan quest sambilan), kau akan mendapatkan total reputasi sekitar 13 K an, sejumlah exp dan sejumlah cegel. Lumayan

Hole of Dimension
Bagi yang stuck setelah dapet Lion Crest ternyata mudah.

Ajak Talk si Arus pilih semua dari 1 - 4 nanti dia bakal cerita banyaQ. Setelah ituw temui D.End diminta meriksa Hole Of Dimension. Setelah dari martin anda di minta untuk menemui Wanita Bangsawan arah jam 12 Elim [Dapet simbol Api] setelah itu temui D.End lagi. Dari D.End nanti diminta untuk mencari tahu apa yang terjadi di tahun 315 tapi harus minta ke Gardel [Zaid - Ujung Dunia]. Nanti Anda akan diminta untuk mencari Air Mata Baldea. Temui Baldea di Goa Clement ke arah KOD / Tambang Koin. Pilih pilihan buat Baldea Menangis dengan menanyakan tentang Duran. Nanti setelah dapet tuwh air mata, Balik lagi ke D.End dan dapat Time Of Travel ke 315. Di sana langsung temui Vivi di depan tenda Vivi. Setelah bicara ama Vivi masuk ke tenda dan klik [npc]Q setelah itu Anda akan diminta ke seberang [Lewat Jembatan] Ketemui Pria berkerudung hitam. Nanti di sana pilih semua pilihan dan setelah itu balik ke depan tenda dan temui Vivi lagi. Abis ituw nguping pembicaraan Vivi ama Pria berkerudung hitam ituw di rumah si kerudung hitam tadi. Setelah ituw ketemui Vivi lagi di depan tendanya. Setelah ngomong ma Vivi masuk lagi ke tendanya [Nguping lagi]. Abis nguping pembicaraan Vivi ama Tristan yang romantis [huhuehueue] keluar ngomong lagi ke Vivi. Nanti dapet Summon Stone. Dari situ Lurus ajah turun ke bawah ke arah Batu yang di jaga 3 Peri. Tapi nanti bukan peri yang anda temui tetapi Pintu Warp. Masuk ke situ. Hati-hati banyak Hangariel. Ga usah di bunuh karena spawnnya cepet. Tenang ajah... Akurasinya Hangariel kecil jadi banyak missnya. Yang perlu anda bunuh adalah Hanmarielnya. Mendingan nge grub kalo bisa. Soalnya di situ biar miss-missan sekali kena... wusettttt ga ampun dah... Suer... Gw yang knit def 860+70 ajah langsung sekarat... Sadis... Setelah Hanmariel tewas anda harus cepat enter ato klik popup ituw. Klo gak... yach nasibmu... Dari situ di warp ke perbatasan [Hormati Agama] bercahaya itu yg dijaga ma Martin... Nanti di situ ada Tristan [Selimutan], Vivi and Pria berkerudung hitam. Klik si Vivi ajaQ ngomong ajah and nanti di kasih Grace of Vinagh [Topi yang ada wingnya]. Setelah itu klik Vivi lagi, pilih no.2 minta di warp balik. Nanti di warp ke Perkampungan itu lagi, tapi bukan di tahun 315 [dah kembali normal]. Nah kalo mau dapet reputasi tambahan, di sini klik ajah si Vivi yang lagi nyapu, Pilih pilihan pertama [Klo gak salah nanyain hubungan dia ama Tristan]. Trus pilih pilihan nanti dia akan menikah ama Tristan [Klo gak salah]. Dia nanya tau dari mana, abis itu bilang aja Tristan menyukaimu ato pilihan yang lain. Dapet deh Reputasi. Setelah itu klik Bibi yang di sebelahnya pilih pilhan ke.5 klo gak salah soal mengapa kamu berpura2 menyukai Vivi, ikutin ajah prosedurnya, dapet Reputasi lagi deh... Balik ke D.End laporin dah tuwh semua yang terjadi. Setelah itu dikasih lagi Time Travel ke Ohm... Cape deh... Masih ada lanjutannya. Nanti klo dah selese gw ceritain lagi okZ...

Hmm... Sorry nieh klo dah pernah di post sebelumnya... Hanya berbagi cerita QUest ajah sebelum lupa... Dan maaf klo panjang ^^

Gw misahin Quest Cerita sama Quest Letter biar lebih mudah dalem dibaca.. Dipersilahkan tanya jawab mengenai Quest Letter disini biar enga terlalu pusing di thread satunya lagi..
Postingan ini berdasar postingan: neojubei1977, dakdikduk, ~ ` A u R o R ` ~, R-X, KanG GoDJie, gazerbeam, Phan`to`mile, phaleon, micapica, VeeLa
• Quest Letter ini merupakan Quest yang di dapat dari Dropan Monster
• by default: Nama Letter = Nama Monster yang nge-drop letter tersebut. (Kecuali ada catatan tambahan)
• by default: Item yang dikumpulin diserahin ke Pet Tamer di Toko Barang Lime / Elim (Kecuali ada catatan tambahan)

Quest Letter

Gardel's Letter (Ujung Dunia)
- Cari letters quest Gardel dr Knight of darkness, kumpulin 10 mark of vampires 10 biji, balikin ke Gardel

Papa's Bear Letter (Hutan Laywook) - Reputasi: 120 Cegel: 2240
- Kumpulin 20 respect (bisa dr stiff horse atau dr baby bear)

Baby's Bear Letter
- Kumpulin 20 father excuse

Albereo Letter
- Dapetin surat dr Mage(sihir) di gua atas Lime
- Kumpulin 10 mark of vinargh, serahin ke Albereo di Zaid

Ogre Forest Letter
- Dapetin surat dr Ogre Forest
- Kumpulin 30 cactus flower (Gunung Travia)

Super Steel Golem Letter
- (drop dari super steel golem @ goa silon)
- Kumpulin 10 soul of swordsman dari warrior of darkness

TNT Skullo Letter
- Kumpulin 30 Wolf Skin

Dullahan Letter
- Kumpulin 20 Soul of Snow Princess

Incubus Letter
- 30 Seed of Solar

Albereo Letter (Dr Chain Saw) - Reputasi: 320 Cegel: 47600
- Kumpulin 20 Alloy Chain (Drop dr chain saw jg)
- Kasih ke Albereo (Zaid)

Snow Princess Letter (dari snow princess yg boss)
- Kumpulkan 30 boiling blood (dari computer freak ato platinum plugger)

Cool Boy Letter (dari boss Cool Boy)
- Fame 200
- Cegel 30k an
- Kumpulkan Hot Blood 30 from comp freak/Sucub

High Nixie's Letter
- Kumpulkan 30 shell of ostrich egg, drop dr conceited ostrich di pegunungan travia

Cool Guy Letter (drop dr cool guy)
- Kumpulkan 2 dullahan sign, drop dr body of dullahan atau dullahan di hutan herkaus

Computer Freaks Letter
- Kumpulkan 2 ICE , drop dr cool guy di gua silon

Meow-gician Letter - Reputasi: 180 Cegel: 34650
- Kumpulin 30 fairy seduction, drop dari Saloa - Danau Cross

Baldea's Letter
- Beresin Quest Duran Sign (ga tau deh klo belum bisa ga)
- Warp ke Kuil Adel, dari sana bakalan ada pilihan warp ke "Gua Lionor".
- Warp ke sana ngmg ama NPC lionor..
- Beres, ga usah bawa item apa2..

Abyss Letter
- Kumpulkan 15 bones (didapat dr skullo (sering dpt) atau dr ruthless skullo (jarang dpt) di gua clements jg

Wood Golem Letter
- Didapatkan dr Steel Golem di ujung dunia kirinya kota Zaid
- Kumpulkan 30 iron plate (didapat dr steel golem)

Gun's Suggestion - Reputasi: 220 Cegel: 23100
- Drop dr Gun di Danau Cross
- Kumpulkan 15 Light Panel (drop dr solar di daratan glasis/hilir sungai glasis)

Rayshark the 3rd Letter
- Drop dr Rayshark the 3rd di daratan Glasis/Hilir sungai glasis
- Kumpulkan 15 ammonite, drop dr Giant Octopus di Hilir sungai Glasis

Mr.Catfish letter - Reputasi: 210 Cegel: 25200
- Kumpulin Sunflower Seed 20 biji.

Gariel / Mariel Letter - Reputasi: 350 Cegel: 94500
- Kumpulin 30 Rusty Gear, drop dari Cross Gear dalem Ohm

QUEST ARENA (incomplete )

Walau dinamakan quest, tp hal ini tdk ada hubungannya sama sekali dgn quest yg ada di dlm Seal (jd lu lakukan/tdk tdk mempengaruhi char lu , maupun hidup lu =p), jg tdk menambah reputasi

- Cr menuju tmpt ini:
pergilah ke Lime dan temui NPC Pengemis disana (di dekat pintu masuk menara pelatihan), bicaralah dgnnya dan pilihlah pilihan "adakah tempat yg menyenangkan" (pilihan 6, trs 1), nanti oleh si pengemis kau akan diwarp ke tmpt ini, tentunya dgn biaya , yaitu 100 cegel (kl tdk salah inget =p)
Setelah di dlm, kau akan menemukan banyak sekali npc, fokuslah kpd npc2 yg berada pd 1 lingkaran (Dienne, Holmes, Dubas dan wanita terhormat)

Skrg mari kita mulai

1. Quest 1: Protect the Garden (client : NPC Dienne)

Syarat lvl: 80+(sangat direkomendasikan), hal ini dikarenakan yg kau hajar adalah bos solar (di dlm ini bkn solar biasa (lvl 83) , tp bs dikategorikan super solar , kau akan mengerti knp =p)

Hadiah: 3 blue glass crystals + exp yg SANGAT AMAT kecil, saking kecilnya ampe g lp dpt brp

Sinopsis: Dienne telah membeli bbrp pupuk yg mempunyai efek samping yg sangat aneh. Walaupun pupuk tsb membantu tanaman bunganya tumbuh dgn cepat, pupuk tsb ternyata jg menarik perhatian sekawanan solar pemakan-manusia! Oleh sebab itu, dia akan memintamu utk mengumpulkan bbrp insektisida dan solusi shg dia dpt menyingkirkan para solar penggangu itu.

Quest steps:

1) Di dlm arena bicaralah dgn NPC Dienne dan pilihlah pilihan 1, nanti dia akan memberikanmu questnya
2) Masuki arena warp portal yg berada di tengah2 arena (warp ini adalah penghubungmu, jk kau memiliki sebuah quest, mk kau akan dibawa ke tmpt quest itu, jika tdk, mk kau akan dikirim balik ke lime), mk kau akan dibawa ke sebuah perkebunan, Disitu ada NPC Gardener, bicaralah dgnya, pilih no 1 -> kau akan mdptkan item pestisida
3) Masuki warp yg ada di dekat npc tsb -> taman
PERINGATAN: Solar2 disitu menyerang dgn menggunakan racun (150dmg/5sec) , Manaburn (30 mp/sec) dan RootHold(menahan kau diem di tmpt selama krg lbh 10dtk) jd berhati2lah

Di dalam taman:
Kau perlu menemukan dan mengumpulkan 3 item di bwh ini:

1) Insektisida: dr warp lurus lah trs sampe mentok ke arah timur jauh map dan disitu ada NPC Insectisida (click NPC tsb) dlm bentuk barrel, BUKAN org, semacam gentong coklat gitu d =p -> insektisida dpt

2) Sprayer : dptkan dgn membunuh bos solar (HANYA ADA 1 bos di map ini, dan cr utk menemukanya adalah cr solar yg punya LBH BANYAK HP dan SERANGANNYA LBH SAKIT drpd solar2 yg lain , utk lokasi tmpt spawn bos ini, tanya tmn =p). Jk kau suda membunuhnya -> pestisida akan berubah jd sprayer, sprayer dpt

Catatan : saat kau menyerang bos ini, kau tdk dpt ngepot jd pastikan hpmu selalu penuh or else.. , dan dia biasanya tdk berada di tmpt dimana dia spawn, soalnya ni bos cacingan, kl nga ada yg kill dia suka keluyuran kemana2 ,jd mo nga mau mesti dicari . Akan tetapi jk dia berhasil dikill mk dia akan spawn kembali di tmpt spawnnya (tmpt spawnnya SELALU sama), mk jk kau suda tau lokasinya akan sangat mempermudah , atau cr lain mencarinya adalah dgn menggunakan char lvl 80an dimana diantara para kawanan solar itu, dia sendiri yg berwarna merah terang

3)Solvent : Dr tmpt spawn bos solar, maju trs sampai ketemu lg sekumpulan box, hanya kali ini bkn NPC Insecticida, melainkan NPC Solvent, kilk npc tsb -> Solvent dpt

Setelah mdptkan 3 item ini, kembalilah ke NPC Dienne dgn cr masuki kembali portal tmpt lu keluar dr taman (perhatikan baik2, pd saat lu diwarp ke taman, belakanglu ada warp portal. itu pintu keluarnye ). Pilih pilihan "Berikan brg ......" 2 x, INGAT, 2x dan dia akan memberikanmu 3 blue glass + exp sbh hadiahnya. Quest pun selesai

1. Jk kau sudah mendapatkan ke 3 item quest itu, kau bs lgs balik ke arena tanpa hrs berjalan ke warp pintu keluar (dgn cr pergi ke menu dan balik lg ke dalam seal) otomatis kau akan nongol di arena
2. Bs melakukan quest ini sambil menggunakan guardian utk mempersingkat wkt
3. Bs dilakukan secara bersama2 dgn char lain , alias NGEGRUP / PARTY

Known BUGS:
Abis hajar bos solarnya, dan dia mokat, tiba2 char lu bs stuck, BENAR2 stuck zz, cr utk menghilangkannya adalah dgn TERPAKSA balik ke menu dan masuk lg ke sealnye. Bugs yg bener2 rese krn dgn demikian terpaksa questnya DIULANG LG DR AWAL

2. Quest 2: Knight dan Putri salju (Client : NPC Holmes)

Syarat lvl : 80++ (Sangat direkomendasikan)

Hadiah : 3 blue glass crystals ( g lp dpt exp jg /ngga =p)

Sinopsis : Kekasih Holmes , yaitu snow princess (/kaget) sedang berada di dlm bui. Dia telah dipenjara oleh para manusia di sebuah labirin penjara bwh tanah yg penuh dgn bale. Krn Holmes sedang berada di dlm "masa pengawasan" krn dianggap berkonspirasi dgn musuh, mk dia memintamu utk mengambil pass penjara, dan dptkan kedua bagian summon stone milik kekasihnya agar dia dpt menemui kekasihnya utk yg trakhir kalinya...

Quest steps:

1) Bicara dgn NPC Holmes dan pilih 1, dpt questnya
2) Masuki arena warp portal (spt biasa =p) dan kau akan dikirim ke sebuah labirin penjara bwh tanah. Disitu kau akan mendapatkan seorang NPC Snow princess sedang ditahan. Bicaralah dgnnya, pilih 2 trs 1 , dan dia akan memberikanmu pecahan summon stone yg pertama. Dr situ, telusurilah labirin tsb hingga kau menemukan sebuah "Huruf Q" dan sebuah portal
PENTING : labirin ini memiliki banyak "kejutan" yg tdk menyenangkan jd selalulah waspada, selalu siap ngepot dan trs lah berjalan menyusuri KIRI dr pintu masuk, krn jk kau berjalan terlalu jauh ke kanan, kau akan berakhir dgn berputar2
3) Ketika kau menemukan dan mencapai warp yg dimaksud, klik "huruf Q" itu dan kau akan mendapat pecahan yg 1nya lg
4) Setelah itu, masuki warp tsb dan kau akan dibawa kembali ke arena. Bicaralah dgn Holmes utk mendapatkan hadiahmu, dan quest pun selesai

1.ada King Of Death bersemayam di penjara bwh tanah, semoga beruntung menemukannya . Jika kau membunuhnya, kau TDK AKAN DPT APA2, bahkan exp, jd cm buat iseng doank
2. Walau tau dan suda menemukan rute tercepat utk mencapai warp portal dr lokasi snow princess, ttp membutuhkan wkt sekitar 7 mnt dgn berjalan kaki, dan 3 1/2 mnt dg menggunakan guardian.
3. Sama halnya dgn solar, bs dilakukan dlm GRUP/PARTY


3. QUEST 3 : Mencari Ore Legendaris (Client : NPC Dubas)

Syarat lvl : 50+(Sangat direkomendasikan)

Hadiah: 0-5 blue glass crystal dr DUBAS + 0-5 blue glass kristal dr NPC Arkeologi ( shg totalnya kau bs mdptkan 0 -10 blue glass kristal)

Sinopsis : Dubas telah menghabiskan seluruh hidupnya utk mencari Ore yg legendaris. Sayangnya, dia tdk mempunyai keberuntungan utk menemukannya di dlm tambang selama hidupnya itu. Mengingat usianya yg sbtr lg, sebelum dia meninggal, dia memintamu utk menemukan ore itu utknya shg dia bs meninggal tanpa penyesalan..

Quest steps:

1) Berbicaralah dgn NPC Dubas di dlm arena, pilih pilihan 1, nanti kau dpt questnya

2)Masuki arena warp portal, dan kau akan diwarp ke Gua BAGIAN 1

3)Trslah berjalan hingga kau menemukan sebuah pintu warp lg, masuki dan kau akan dikirim ke Gua BAGIAN 2

4) Trslah berjalan hingga kau menemukan sebuah pintu warp lg, masuki dan kau akan dikirim ke Gua BAGIAN 3

5) Sesudah berada di dlm tambang gua (Ada bale skullo pd pintu masuknya) jgn masuk warp yg ada disitu , krn itu adalah pintu keluarnya.

6) Crlah sebuah ruangan dimana pd ruangan tsb terdapat 3 peti (mereka terletak di pojokan) , klik salah 1nya (serah yg mana) dan kau akan mendapatkan sebuah item peti di invmu

7) Skrg, bunuhlah skullo2 yg berada di dekat peti tsb hingga kau menemukan skullo yg menjatuhkan kunci peti itu (krn peti tsb dlm keadaan terkunci shg butuh kunci utk membukanya, krn itu diperlukan kunci kan )

Tinggalkan Gua tsb dgn masuk warp pintu keluar yg kusebut td,dan kau akan kembali ke arena.

9) Bicaralah kembali dgn Dubas, dia akan membuka peti yg kau bw dgn kunci yg kau bw jg. Jika itu ADALAH ore legendaris yg dia cr , kau akan diberikan 5 blue glass kristal sbg hadiahnya, jika BUKAN, dia akan kasi lu 0-4 tergantung kualitas orenya + ucapan trima kasih + sebuah catatan arkeolog yg tdk dia perlukan lg

10) Serahkan catatan arkeolog tsb ke npc Arkeologi yg berada di tengah arena (diapit npc cw maid costume dan beadboy). Sang arkeolog akan menilai catatan tsb apakah termasuk catatan langka/tdk , dan hadiahnya adalah 0-5 blue glass kristal lg, tergantung kelangkaannya . Dan quest pun selesai

Catatan :
1. Map GUA tmpt kau dikirim adalah RANDOM, dlm artian pola selalu sama, tp ISI, TATANAN, DAN STRUKTUR GUA blm tentu sama, hadiah dr quest pun RANDOM (0-10), tdk selalu pasti segitu2 aja spt quest 1 dan 2
2. Tdk dpt dikelarin dlm grup
3. Sbrnya, tdk SELALU 3 peti itu yg mengandung ore, akan ttp HAMPIR semua peti yg tdp di dlm gua itu bs mengandung ore, hanya saja, ke 3 peti itulah yg kemungkinanya PLG BESAR mengandung ore legendaris yg dicari


Catatan Penting:
1. Quest2 yg disebutkan diatas (1-3) bs dilakukan berulang2 dan UNLIMITED TIMES (tdk terbatas), shg dinamakan dgn MISI PUTAR2
2. Jika kau bingung saat membaca guide ini, jgn heran, krn questnya sendiri memang membingungkan =p, shg utk lbh jelasnya mungkin lbh baik bertanya2 jg dgn tmn yg perna kelarin, tp kl suda tau cr kelarinnya, kemungkinan pendapatnya adalah " yah gini doank ternyata" =p
3. Spt judulnya yaitu Incomplete, masi ada 1 quest lg yg blm kujelaskan yaitu yg berasal dr wanita terhormat (quest finding her pet) dan utk kelarin questnya lu DIWAJIBKAN memliki GRUP/PARTY, mungkin kl g ada wkt g jelasin, mungkin...
4. Kesalahan penjelasan, nama, informasi dan lain hal di luar tanggung jwb penulis =p


Nah skrg kau pasti bertanya2 APA kegunaan blue kristal yg lu dptkan dr quest2 tsb? Nah gunanya adalah utk mendapat HQ Uniform set dan Wedding set. Pertama2, kumpulkanlah 200 blue glass kristal (terserah kau mo kelarin quest apa utk ngumpulin ini, pokoke 200), trs bicaralah dgn NPC Beadboy yg terletak di tengah arena. Tukerkan 200 blue glass itu dgn 1 blue marble fragment.
Skrg dgn marble fragment itu tukerkan dgn kostum yg bs kau peroleh dgn bicara dgn npc cw berbaju maid costume (lp nmnya =p) yg terletak di tengah arena jg. Eits jgn senang dulu, krn TDK semua kostum bs lu dptkan "cuma dgn modal" 1 blue marble fragment. Info lengkapnya di bwh ini:

- HQ Uniform (T) dan ( / Wedding ( = 3 blue marble fragment (dgn kata lain 600 blue glass kristal)
- HQ Uniform (S) = 2 blue marble fragment (dgn kt lain 400 blue glass kristal)
- Wedding (S) = 1 blue marble fragment / 200 blue glass kristal

Status ttg kostum set ini dpt kau temukan di �www.sealindo.com/default.asp bagian Panduan -> Barang -> Costume, dan kostum yg ada skrg BLM semua, krn masi ada wedding (T) dan wedding (H) yg blm dipatch HINGGA SAAT INI (waiting for the idiot GM to update the costume

More Info if U need

How to Make Real life stuff Anime style!!!!

1. Get a pic from somewhere. I like to make them 1200 pixels wide so they look good when I resize them back down.
External Image

2. Make it lighter so you can see what you're doing
External Image

3. On a new layer, make an outline by using the pen tool and stroking it with the airbrush. Do small pieces at a time. Since it's on a different layer, you can see it without the original pic.[/b]
External Image | External Image
Help with the pen tool:

A. 1. Get the right properties
External Image

B. Place an anchor point
External Image

C. Place another point. Choose a place where the curve you're trying to make has some sort of change. I chose this location because it's where the relatively straight A-pillar meets the somewhat curved roof. To place this point, click (but don't release) and drag the mouse around until the curve falls where you want it to. Try different angles and different distances. I find that it usually works if I make the line tangent to the curve.
External Image

D. Place another point, same idea as above. When dragging the mouse to get the right curve, you can even go off the edge of the image. Sometimes I have to zoom out in order to be able to drag far enough.
External Image

E. Stroke by right clicking and picking 'Stroke Path...' and choosing the brush. Make sure you're on a visible layer or it won't let you do it. I like to stroke with a 2 pixel brush because it looks smoother than a 1 pixel brush. 2 pixels is kind of big though, so that's why I make my pics huge to start with. Don't forget to delete the path after you stroke it.
External Image

Should look like this so far:
External Image

Part 2: Shade

1. On a new layer, make a body base
External Image

2. On a new layer, make body shadows. Use the pen tool and fill the path.
External Image

3. On a new layer, make body highlights
External Image

4. You should have something like this. Notice I decided to make the panel between the taillights match the paint like the kouki 180.
External Image

5. Do similarly for glass, tires, wheels, muffler, lights, all on new layers
External Image

6. On a new layer, blacken everything that will always be black
External Image

Part 3: Color

1. Copy the 'body base' layer and put it under the 'body highlight' layer but above 'body shadows.' Color the copy of 'body base' the color that you want the car to be. By having the color on a separate layer, you can change it later and it won't affect the shading at all.
External Image

2. Play with the opacity of 'body highlight,' 'body color,' and 'body shadows' until you get a look you like
External Image

Part 4: Details

1. On a new layer under the 'glass base' layer, make some black interior silhouettes and reduce the opacity on 'glass base' so you can see the silhouettes through the glass
External Image

2. Put something on the license plate and in this case I needed to highlight the muffler tip too
External Image

And That's all folks!! I hope you like it.
More and more info

How to Make Real life stuff Anime style!!!!

1. Get a pic from somewhere. I like to make them 1200 pixels wide so they look good when I resize them back down.
External Image

2. Make it lighter so you can see what you're doing
External Image

3. On a new layer, make an outline by using the pen tool and stroking it with the airbrush. Do small pieces at a time. Since it's on a different layer, you can see it without the original pic.[/b]
External Image | External Image
Help with the pen tool:

A. 1. Get the right properties
External Image

B. Place an anchor point
External Image

C. Place another point. Choose a place where the curve you're trying to make has some sort of change. I chose this location because it's where the relatively straight A-pillar meets the somewhat curved roof. To place this point, click (but don't release) and drag the mouse around until the curve falls where you want it to. Try different angles and different distances. I find that it usually works if I make the line tangent to the curve.
External Image

D. Place another point, same idea as above. When dragging the mouse to get the right curve, you can even go off the edge of the image. Sometimes I have to zoom out in order to be able to drag far enough.
External Image

E. Stroke by right clicking and picking 'Stroke Path...' and choosing the brush. Make sure you're on a visible layer or it won't let you do it. I like to stroke with a 2 pixel brush because it looks smoother than a 1 pixel brush. 2 pixels is kind of big though, so that's why I make my pics huge to start with. Don't forget to delete the path after you stroke it.
External Image

Should look like this so far:
External Image

Part 2: Shade

1. On a new layer, make a body base
External Image

2. On a new layer, make body shadows. Use the pen tool and fill the path.
External Image

3. On a new layer, make body highlights
External Image

4. You should have something like this. Notice I decided to make the panel between the taillights match the paint like the kouki 180.
External Image

5. Do similarly for glass, tires, wheels, muffler, lights, all on new layers
External Image

6. On a new layer, blacken everything that will always be black
External Image

Part 3: Color

1. Copy the 'body base' layer and put it under the 'body highlight' layer but above 'body shadows.' Color the copy of 'body base' the color that you want the car to be. By having the color on a separate layer, you can change it later and it won't affect the shading at all.
External Image

2. Play with the opacity of 'body highlight,' 'body color,' and 'body shadows' until you get a look you like
External Image

Part 4: Details

1. On a new layer under the 'glass base' layer, make some black interior silhouettes and reduce the opacity on 'glass base' so you can see the silhouettes through the glass
External Image

2. Put something on the license plate and in this case I needed to highlight the muffler tip too
External Image

And That's all folks!! I hope you like it.

Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro adalah seorang tokoh fiktif dalam serial manga One Piece. Ia adalah seorang ahli pedang dari Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami. Ia menggunakan gaya bertarung santoryuu (3 pedang) dan bercita-cita menjadi ahli pedang terkuat di dunia. Zoro adalah kekuatan tempur utama Kelompok, bersama Luffy dan Sanji. Ia memiliki postur badan yang kekar dan sangat kuat. Ia mampu mengangkat barbel super besar hanya dengan kakinya, atau barbel 120 kilogram dengan satu tangan. Tingginya adalah 174 cm, menjadikannya sebagai kru dengan tinggi terbesar keempat, setelah Brook, Franky, dan Nico Robin.

Cita-cita Zoro adalah menjadi pendekar pedang terkuat di dunia yang menjadi cita-cita Kuina juga, sahabat semasa kecilnya yang sudah meninggal.

Masa lalu
Zoro kecil adalah seorang murid dari perguruan kendo milik ayah Kuina, Koushiro. Zoro ketika masih kecil menggunakan dua pedang, dan sangat terlatih dia bahkan bisa mengalahkan orang dewasa. Satu-satunya orang yang tidak bisa dikalahkan Zoro adalah Kuina, anak gadis sang guru. Zoro dikalahkan Kuina sampai 1000 kali, sampai pada akhirnya Zoro menantang Kuina untuk bertanding dengan pedang sungguhan. Zoro kemudian kalah lagi dan menangis. Setelah itu Kuina memberitahu Zoro kalau pada akhirnya wanita-lah yang akan lemah disaat mereka menjadi dewasa, kelak dia akan dikalahkan Zoro. Kemudian Zoro kembali berkata pada Kuina kalau dia tidak boleh bicara seperti itu dan berjanji agar terus bertanding sampai siapa di antara mereka berdua yang menjadi pendekar pedang terkuat.

Esok paginya, Kuina meninggal karena jatuh dari tangga rumahnya. Zoro marah dan menganggap kalau Kuna ingin ingkari perjanjian tersebut. Pada akhirnya Zoro menangis sambil meminta pedang milik Kuina dan berjanji untuk meneruskan cita-citanya. Pedang milik Kuina adalah yang ada di mulutnya, Wadou Ichimonji, termasuk 21 pedang tertajam di dunia.

Kisah ini muncul pada cerita bagian Morgan pada manga-nya dan muncul secara terpotong pada cerita bagian Kuro pada anime-nya.

Ketika beranjak dewasa, Zoro mulai meninggalkan tempat tinggalnya dan mencari orang yang dikabarkan sebagai pendekar pedang terhebat di dunia, Juraquille Mihawk salah seorang anggota Shichibukai.

Zoro mengarungi lautan dan untuk bertahan hidup, dia memperoleh uang dari hasil memburu bajak laut yang berada di daftar buruan pemerintah. Pada saat inilah Zoro bertemu dua orang pemburu hadiah kecil bernama Johnny dan Yosaku. Mereka bekerjasama dengan Zoro sebentar. Nama Zoro juga menyebar sampai ke teinga Baroque Works dan mereka mengirim agen (Mr.7) untuk meminta agar Zoro bergabung. Zoro setuju untuk bergabung asalkan ia dijadikan sebagai pimpinan Baroque Works, namun Mr. 7 menolak sehingga terjadi pertempuran antara keduanya; yang kemudian dimenangkan oleh Zoro.
Poster buronan Zoro

Zoro kemudian ditangkap angkatan laut karena membunuh serigala milik Helmeppo (Soro), putra kapten Angkatan Laut Morgan.

Nama Zoro sang pemburu perompak sangat terkenal di East Blue, bajak laut besar mengenalinya seperti Arlong dan Krieg.

Zoro si Bajak Laut
Zoro diselamatkan oleh Luffy ketika akan dieksekusi oleh Morgan. Zoro akhirnya bergabung dengan Luffy yang semenjak pertama memaksa Zoro agar bergabung. Zoro adalah andalan kedua keompok bajak laut topi jerami setelah Luffy. Zoro berkedudukan sebagai pendekar pedang. Berkat bergabung dengan Luffy, Zoro akhirnya bisa menemukan Mihawk dan bertarung dengannya meskipun kalah. Sebagai bajak laut, Zoro masuk daftar buruan dengan harga 60 juta berry karena telah mengalahkan Dazz Bones si pembunuh besar dan 100 orang pemburu hadiah di pulau kaktus Whiskey Peak. Dan dengan julukan seperti sebelumnya, Zoro si pemburu perompak.

Setelah berhasil mengalahkan KaptenT-Bone di Puffing Tom, bersama anggota lain, dia menuju Enies Lobby. Ketika memasuki Enies Lobby, Zoro bertarung dengan para penjaga sampai akhirnya tugas itu diserahkan pada Pauly dan anggota Galley-La lain. Di Gedung Pengadilan, dia menghabisi seluruh penjaga dan tersesat di situ (pada akhirnya dia berhasil pergi ke atap) dan berkumpul bersama anggota lain. Setelah mendengar permintaan dari Robin, Zoro menjadi semangat untuk bertarung dan memasang wajah seram, setelah sampai di Menara Pengadilan, Zoro berhadapan dengan Kaku, Zoro menggunakan beberapa jurus baru dan kewalahan menghadapi wujud Jerapah Kaku, pada akhirnya, Zoro mengeluarkan sosok "Iblis" dalam jiwanya, dan menggunakan jurus Asura dan berhasil mengalahkan Kaku.

Zoro dan Sanji menyaksikan pembebasan Nico Robin dan permulaan dari Buster Call dari Menara kemudian beserta Usopp, mereka lari ke jalan bawah laut untuk menemui sisa anggota mereka, tetapi di tengah jalan, air menyerbu jalan itu dan mereka tenggelam.

Setelah diselamatkan oleh Nenek Kokoro, Zoro menolak untuk membantu Luffy bertarung melawan Lucci, dan memilih untuk menunggunya selesai bertarung di kapal evakuasi. Dia dan yang lain kemudian bertarung melawan 200 Kapten dari angkatan laut, di sini, Zoro bertarung melawan Shuu yang memiliki kekuatan buah iblis Sabi Sabi yang mengkaratkan senjata Zoro Yubashiri. Setelah Luffy berhasil menang, mereka berusaha untuk kabur dari Enies Lobby dengan Going Merry yang tiba-tiba muncul. Zoro dan yang lain kini sedang menyaksikan upacara pemakaman Going Merry, di sini dia tidak berkomentar apa-apa walaupun Usopp yang disampingnya sedang menangis.Setelah kejadian di Enies Lobby nilai buruanZoro meningkat drastis menjadi 120 juta berry.

Di Thriller Bark, Zoro mengalahkan Ryuuma(zombie samurai legendaris yang diciptakan Moria) dan merebut pedang Shuushui sebagai pengganti pedang Yubashiri yang patah. Zoro membantu rekan-rekannya menundukkan OZ. Setelah OZ dan Moria tunduk, kemudian muncul Shichibukai lain yaitu Bartholomew Kuma. Zoro menantang Kuma demi melindungi Luffy dan rekan lainnya.

Keahlian dan Kekuatan
Zoro adalah pendekar pedang yang berbakat, dapat menggunakan satu, dua, atau tiga pedang dengan cekatan. Karena dia tidak punya "tangan ketiga", Zoro menggunakan mulut untuk membawa pedang ketiganya. Membuatnya menciptakan seni berpedangnya sendiri, santoryuu (seni tiga pedang). Zoro punya kekuatan dan kecepatan yang luar biasa, terlihat seperti di cerita dia dapat membelah gerbong kereta api, mengangkat bongkahan batu besar dan meletakkan di kedua tangannya atau mengangkat tubuh Dalton. Zoro juga punya stamina yang sangat abnormal, dalam setiap pertempuran, Zoro kehilangan terlalu banyak darah dan masih sanggup bertempur dalam waktu yang lama. Mungkin ini disebabkan oleh kutukan pedang Zoro Sandai Kitetsu

Zoro adalah pendekar pedang, karena itu bagi Zoro pedang adalah harta karunnya, harta yang tidak ternilai. Pedang-pedang yang dipakai Zoro adalah sebagai berikut :

* Wadou Ichimonji (berasal dari Kuina)
* Sandai Kitetsu (berasal dari Ippon-Matsu)
* O-Wazamono Shuushui (berasal dari samurai Ryuuma)

Pedang lain yang pernah dipakai Zoro :

* Yubashiri
* Katana 2x ( dihancurkan oleh Mihawk )
* Pedang Yosaku dan Johhny ( dikembalikan )

Ilmu berpedang santoryuu adalah ilmu berpedang menggunakan tiga pedang, ciri khas Zoro

* Oni Giri (pembasmi iblis) Zoro menyilangkan dua pedang di depan dadanya dan bergerak maju dengan cepat, pedang yang dimulut yang akan memberi kerusakan besar. Oni Giri jika dibaca bersamaan menjadi onigiri yaitu nasi kepal ciri khas Jepang. Digunakan pertama kali melawan Cabaji.
* Tora Gari (pemburu harimau) Zoro memegang pedangnya sejajar dengan mulut dan mengayunkannya kebawah. Digunakan pertama kali ketika melawan kucing bersaudara, Buchi dan Sham.
* Santoryuu Ougi:San-Zen-Se-Kai (Seluk beluk rahasia tiga pedang:3000 dunia) Zoro memegang pedang dan menyatukan keduanya lalu memutarkannya dengan cepat. Zoro kemudian menyerbu musuh dengan sangat cepat dalam posisi seperti ini. Banyak yang bilang jika jurus ini adalah jurus terkuat Zoro, menilik dari kata "Ougi".Jurus ini dipakai dua kali, yang pertama sewaktu melawan Mihawk, dan yang kedua saat melawan OZ.
* Tourou Nagashi (Darah Serigala) Sebuah serangan balik. Zoro memutarkan badannya untuk menghindari serangan, kemudian dua pedang yang memblokir menerjang setelah zoro maju kedepan. Jurus ini menjadi salah satu special move Zoro dalam video game. Digunakan pertama melawan Hachi.
* Tatsu Maki (Putaran angin naga) Zoro berputar dengan pedangnya mengakibatkan angin keluar ke atas seperti naga. Pertama digunakan melawan Hachi. Luka yang diakibatkan tidak dalam kecuali jika korban serangan bergerak.
* Yaki Oni Giri (api pembasmi iblis) Sama seperti Oni Giri, tetapi kali ini pedang Zoro terbakar, pertama kali digunakan dalam cerita Little Garden.
* Ushi Bari (serudukan banteng) Zoro mengarahkan pedang ditangannya ke lawan dan membentuk seperti banteng, kemudian menusukkan pedang ke musuh berkali-kali di akhiri serangan pedang di mulut. Pertama digunakan melawan Dazz Bones atau Mr.1
* Gazami Dori (capit kepiting) Semua pedang Zoro diarahkan paralel dan mengarahkan ke musuh seperti akan memenggal kepala. Digunakan ketika melawan Mr.1
* Hyaku Hachi Pound Hou (Meriam 108 pound) sama seperti 36 pound hou kali ini menggunakan 3 pedang. Digunakan ketika melawan Ohm sang pendeta.
* Karasuma Gari (Pemburu Gagak) Zoro melompat dan memilah-milah target dengan cepat. Digunakan ketika diserang puluhan meriam. Walaupun termasuk "pembelah besi", serangan ini bukan Iai. Digunakan saat melawan keluarga Franky.
* Gyuuki Yuzume (Cakar maut sapi iblis) Zoro mengarahkan pedangnya ke musuh dan menerjang dengan kuat, digunakan ketika melawan kapten T-Bone. Serangan ini menggambarkan Sapi Iblis.
* Enbima Yonezu Onigiri (Tebasan Iblis Cantik) Sama seperti oni giri, tapi saat Zoro menggunakan jurus ini, pedangnya seperti berkelok-kelok, dan menciptakan bayangan iblis di sekitarnya. Efek dari bengkoknya pedang yaitu kerusakan yang lebih besar terhadap musuh dan jangkauan serangnya lebih luas.
* Yasha Garashu (cakar gagak iblis) Zoro dengan cepat menyerang target digunakan ketika untuk melawan oz serangan ini menggambarkan gagak iblis.
* Ilmu berpedang nitouryuu adalah ilmu berpedang menggunakan dua pedang.
* Nigori Zake (tikaman kekuatan 2 lengan) Zoro mengencangkan otot lengannya dan dengan kekuatan luar biasa melepaskan dorongan keras. Digunakan saat melawan Kaku dari CP9.
* Taka Nami (gelombang elang) ketika sedang di udara, Zoro menciptakan serangan angin lewat kedua pedangnya. Digunakan pertama kali saat melawan Hachi.
* Sai Kuru (Cycle/Serbuan badak) zoro memegang dua pedangnya mengarahkan ke atas dan berputar. Hampir sama dengan Tatsu Maki. Digunakan saat melawan keluarga Franky.
* Nitouryuu Iai: Rashoumon (Ilmu menghunus dua pedang: Rashoumon) Zoro menghunus pedangnya (ilmu Iai) dan membelah benda besar didepannya. Digunakan ketika membelah gerbong Puffing Tom.

Ilmu berpedang ittouryuu adalah ilmu berpedang menggunakan satu pedang.

* Ittouryuu Iai: Shishi Sonson (Ilmu menghunus satu pedang: Nyanyian Singa) Satu pedang Zoro diputarbaikkan dan Zoro dengan cepat menghunus pedangnya dan menyerang kemudian mengembalikannya. Digunakan ketika mengalahkan Dazz Bones.
* 36 Pound Cannon(Meriam 36 Pound) Zoro "menyerang" udara sehingga udara akan berbalik dan menyerang musuh.

Ilmu mutouryuu adalah ilmu berpedang tanpa pedang, hanya digunakan pada Davy Back Fight ketika ronde Groggy Ring dimana dia tidak boleh memakai senjata.

* Tatsu Maki (putaran angin naga) sama seperti tatsu maki normal, hanya kali ini tanpa pedang, digunakan untuk melawan Big Pan.

Ilmu 9 pedang(Kyutoryu) adalah ilmu berpedang zoro yang menggunakan iblis dalam dirinya dan membuat bayangan hingga menjadi 9 pedang.

* Kiki-Kyutoryu-Asura ilmu yang digunakan untuk perubahan tahap dari santoryu menjadi kyutoryu

* Asura Ichibugin teknik pertama yang digunakan zoro dalam tahap kyutoryu,zoro memegang kesembilan pedang,lompat menuju lawan dan menebas lawan secara bersamaan dengan kesembilan pedang tersebut.

* Asura Makyuusen zoro menebas lawan dengan kesembilan pedang dengan berputar sehingga membentuk seperti lingkaran.

Ilmu combo Zoro dimana Zoro menyerang bersama dengan temannya

* Maki Whip Shoot (tendangan cambuk putaran angin) Zoro mengeluarkan Tatsu Maki, Luffy dengan gomu gomu no whip dan sanji dengan epaule shoot menyerang secara bersamaan dan menjatuhkan benda/monster raksasa. Digunakan ketika menghabisi kadal shandora.
* Armee De L'Air: Power Shoot (angkatan udara: Power Shoot) Zoro meloncat ke kaki sanji, dan Sanji menendang ke depan dengan keras sehingga Zoro menghantam musuh dengan amat keras. Digunakan ketika mengakhiri Groggy Ring.
* Gomu Gomu no 300 Pound Cannon (gomu gomu meriam 300 pound) Luffy mengeluarkan Gomu gomu no cannon dan Zoro mengeluarkan 108 pound cannon secara bersamaan untuk menghantam benda besar seperti gelombang Aqua Laguna.

Himura Kenshin

Himura Kenshin (緋村 剣心?), known as Kenshin Himura in the English-language anime dubs,[4] is a fictional character from the Rurouni Kenshin universe created by Nobuhiro Watsuki. He is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series, as well as the related media in the franchise. When creating Kenshin, Watsuki designed him to be the physical opposite of Hiko Seijūrō, a character that appears in Watsuki's first one-shot manga, "Crescent Moon in the Warring States"; a character with the same name appears in Rurouni Kenshin as Kenshin's swordsmanship teacher.

Kenshin's story is set in a fictional version of Japan during the Meiji period. Kenshin is a former legendary assassin known as "Hitokiri Battōsai" (人斬り抜刀斎?)[note 1] (rendered as Battousai the manslayer in the Media Blasters English anime dub,[4] as Battousai: The Slasher in the Sony English dub,[7] and as The Unsheather on the Japanese kanzenban covers). At the end of the Bakumatsu, he becomes a wandering samurai, now wielding a sakabatō (逆刃刀?, lit. "reverse-blade sword"), a katana that has the cutting edge on the inwardly curved side of the sword, thus being nearly incapable of killing. Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need, as atonement for the murders he once committed as an assassin. In Tokyo, he meets a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru, who invites him to live in her dojo despite learning about Kenshin's past. Throughout the series, Kenshin begins to establish lifelong relationships with many people, including ex-enemies, while dealing with his fair share of enemies, new and old. Through these encounters and relationships, Kenshin begins to find true atonement for his past enabling him to fully conquer his "Battōsai" nature.

Kenshin's character was well received by fans, with his holding the top spot in all reader popularity polls for the series. Critics of the series praised his personality, though some complained about his development during the original video animation (OVA) series, which differs from the manga. A variety of collectibles based around Kenshin have been created, including figurines, key chains, plushies, and replicas of his sakabatō sword.

Creation and conception
Watsuki discovered and used the story of Kawakami Gensai, a hitokiri (人斬り?, literally "manslayer") executed by the Meiji Government. According to Watsuki, when he found that Kawakami maintained a duty to his dead comrades, he decided to create the title character. Since Watsuki's debut work contained a tall, black-haired man in "showy" armor, the creator wanted to make a character "completely opposite" to the debut character and the new character ended up "coming out like a girl." According to Watsuki, he used "no real motif" when creating Kenshin and placed a cross-shaped scar when "not knowing what else to do."[8] At the end of the series, Kenshin appears with short hair. Initially, Watsuki had planned to make his hair shorter before the end, however, he found this to be similar to the character Multi from To Heart.[9] Watsuki based most of Kenshin's abilities on a real swordsman of the Tokugawa period named Matsubayashi Henyasai, who was skilled in acrobatic techniques.[10] During his fight against Shishio Makoto's army, Kenshin is given a new sword with a sheath made of wood. Watsuki decided to redesign the sword to make it look as the first one Kenshin had in the series, though it is more difficult to draw.[11]

During the development of the pilot chapter of the series, Rurouni, Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story, Watsuki and his editor argued over Kenshin's speech patterns; they settled for a "slangy" pattern. For the final version of the first Romantic Story, Watsuki adjusted the dialogue; in his view, he made Kenshin sound "more as I prefer him now."[12] Watsuki added Kenshin's trademark "oro" as a placeholder to be an expression of the English speech disfluency "huh". Watsuki notes that he was surprised at how much it caught on, and how much he ended up having Kenshin use the sound during the series.[13] Watsuki also planned to make Kenshin older than 30 years old; his editor commented that it was strange that the main character of a manga for teenagers was so old, so he made Kenshin 28 years old.[14]

In the first Rurouni Kenshin kanzenban, published in Japan in July 2006, Watsuki included a draft page featuring a redesign of Kenshin's character. To make his X-shaped scar more notable, Watsuki made it long enough to cross his nose. Kenshin's hair is tied in two tails, which are flowing to make him look younger, but shorter, to be less androgynous. Watsuki also added a habaki to Kenshin's sword to make it easier to draw by simplifying its structure, while also emphasizing strength.[15] Kenshin's hitokiri look was also redesigned slightly, by making his clothes more damaged and giving him Yukishiro Tomoe's neck scarf.[16]

In the anime adaptation of Rurouni Kenshin, Watsuki's designs were combined with the voice talents of Mayo Suzukaze, a female seiyū. In producing the English dub version of the series, Media Blasters considered following suit, with Mona Marshall considered as a finalist for voicing Kenshin. Richard Hayworth eventually was selected for the role, giving Kenshin's character a more masculine voice in the English adaptation. Additionally, Marshall was selected to voice the younger Kenshin during flashback scenes. Clark Cheng, writer of the Media Blasters dub script, said that localizing Kenshin's unusual speech was a difficult process. His use of "de gozaru" and "oro" were not only character trademarks that indicated Kenshin's state of mind, but important elements to the story. However, neither is directly translatable to English, and in the end the company chose to replace "de gozaru" with "that I did," "that I am," or "that I do." Kenshin's signature "oro" was replaced with "huah" to simulate it being a "funny sound" that had no real meaning.

Character outline


Kenshin desires to protect every individual from danger without harming others. Formerly known as "the strongest hitokiri," Kenshin is the main target of many old enemies and people who want to gain his title. Thus, he avoids letting others get too close to him personally for their own protection. However, he eventually begins relying on his friends, allowing them to fight alongside him.[18] After the Bakumatsu, Kenshin develops an ongoing rivalry with the ex-Shinsengumi member Saitō Hajime . Although they become partners in the series, they both know that one day they will finish their duel. During the end of the series, Kenshin challenges Saitō to end the rivalry. However, Saitō refuses to fight because Kenshin is different from the time they were enemies.[19]

Throughout the series, a young woman named Kaoru develops strong romantic feelings for Kenshin, and he also comes to love her. Despite his feelings, Kenshin is constantly haunted by the wrongs committed in his past and believes he does not deserve happiness. However, as he notes how Kaoru would feel if he dies, Kenshin decides not to leave her and regains a desire to survive.[20]

If he is not able to protect his loved ones, he begins to shift into his "Hitokiri Battōsai" personality, and takes extreme measures in order save others, caring little for the well-being of his opponents.[21] However, Kenshin avoids changing his personality, swearing that he will never kill. He tries to avoid the deaths of as many people as possible.[22]

Most of the time, Kenshin refers to himself with the extremely humble pronoun "sessha" (translated in the manga by Viz as "this one") and uses the formal verb "de gozaru" (conveyed by Media Blasters by phrases like "…that it is."). He also addresses most women with an honorific which is generally reserved for feudal lords. In the English anime, "Miss Kaoru" is used instead of "Kaoru-dono". When in his "Battōsai" mode, Kenshin changes from being polite to serious; one of his quotes, "de gozaru", disappears and "sessha" is replaced with the more typical brash male pronoun "ore."[21] Throughout the series, Kenshin uses the quote "oro," which expresses surprise or dismay. In the Media Blasters English dub, "oro" has been translated into "huh." "Oro" is kept intact in the Viz manga.

Kenshin practices the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū (飛天御剣流?, lit. "Flying Heaven Honorable Sword Style"), also referred to in the series as "Ultrasonic Sword Style," a fictional ancient sword art. Kenshin's mastery of the style enables him to exercise superhuman speed and reflexes, study and predict his opponent's movements in battle, as well as perform many powerful sword techniques.[23] Among several of his Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū and battōjutsu skills, Kenshin can utilize Shinsoku (神速?, lit. "God-speed"), which allows him to quickly overpower and dispatch opponents with his sword before they have time to react. Most of his techniques were originally intended to be lethal, but Kenshin has since modified his usage of such techniques in accordance with his vow never to kill. To this end, he fights using his sakabatō.[23]

When Kenshin decides to continue his training to defeat Shishio Makoto, he learns the Kuzu-ryūsen (九頭龍閃?, lit. "Nine-headed Dragon Strike"), which simultaneously deals nine strikes to the fundamental targets of swordsmanship. The technique makes guarding and dodging virtually impossible for the opponent.[24] The Kuzu-ryūsen, however, is a byproduct used for the initiation in learning Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki (天翔龍閃?, lit. "Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash"; Viz translation - "Dragon Flight of Heaven"), a Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū battōjutsu that surpasses the speed of the Kuzu-ryūsen.[25] The secret behind the technique lies in an additional step with the left foot, which adds instantaneous acceleration and weight to the sword.[26] In addition, if the initial strike is avoided or blocked, the force of the unusually fast slashing motion displaces the air around it, generating a vacuum in its wake and sucking the opponent in; as this happens, the body is spun around for a second strike, with the previous action adding force and momentum to the swing, making the subsequent strike far stronger.[27] Since the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū is only suitable to a wide-framed muscular build like that of Seijūrō's, Kenshin's body deteriorates and he is unable to use it ever again by the end of the manga.[19]

Plot overview
After finishing his job as the murderer "Hitokiri Battōsai" in the Ishin Shishi, Kenshin assumes the life of a wanderer. Ten years after the Revolution, he arrives in Tokyo, where he meets Kaoru. She invites him to stay in her dojo even after she discovers that Kenshin is the "Battōsai".[23] During his residence in the dojo, Kenshin establishes lifelong relationships with many people, including ex-enemies. When Shishio Makoto, the brutal once-successor to Kenshin's position as Chōshū's hitokiri, masterminds a movement seeking to overthrow the Meiji Government, Kenshin leaves Tokyo to stop him.[27] To defeat such a foe, Kenshin is forced to resume his training and mend his relationship with his teacher Seijūrō, who taught and took care of Kenshin, originally named Shinta (心太?), in his childhood. That childhood training was interrupted when Kenshin decided to protect the people of Japan.[24] After finishing his training, all Kenshin's friends reunite with him and help him to defeat Shishio and his army.[28]

Months later, a man known as Yukishiro Enishi starts attacking all people that Kenshin meets as an act of revenge for the death of his sister Tomoe.[29] At this moment, it is discovered that Kenshin was married to Tomoe in the Bakumatsu but accidentally killed her when trying to rescue her from a group of assassins.[30] When Enishi finds out about Kenshin's feelings towards Kaoru, Enishi sets out to kidnap her. He succeeds and leaves behind a professionally-made decoy of Kaoru with a sword in her heart, making everyone believe that she had been murdered.[31] Kenshin falls into severe depression and runs off to a village of wanderers to mourn.[32] However, he breaks out of his depression after his friends discover Kaoru is alive. The group goes to rescue her on Enishi's island.[33] A battle between Kenshin and Enishi follows and when Kenshin wins, he and Kaoru return home.[34] Five years later, Kenshin is married to Kaoru and has a son named Kenji. After an encounter with Kaoru's student Myōjin Yahiko, Kenshin gives his sakabatō to him as a gift for his coming-of-age.[35]

Appearances in other media

Kenshin first appears in two chapters of Rurouni, Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story, the pilot chapters of the manga, in which he arrives in Tokyo and defeats several groups of villains attacking families. In these stories, Kenshin is given a similar personality to the one he has in the series, but his name is unmentioned.[12][36] Later, in the movie Samurai X The Motion Picture, Kenshin meets a samurai named Takimi Shigure, who tries to overthrow the Meiji Government and avenge the deaths of his family during the Bakumatsu. Kenshin encounters Shigure and defeats him in order to avoid the start of a war.[37]

In the OVAs, Kenshin is given a more humanized design and a different personality. There are also numerous changes to his life story compared to that of the manga, including the way he received his X-shaped scar in Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal.[38] In Samurai X: Reflection, as time passes, Kenshin becomes tortured anew by the guilt of leading a happy life after such a destructive past. He makes the decision to wander again, and Kaoru strongly supports him, promising to welcome him home with a smile and their child. Kenshin eventually becomes ravaged by an unknown disease. However, he decides to assist in the First Sino-Japanese War as he had promised the Meiji Government. After the war's end, Sanosuke discovers a gravely injured Kenshin on the shore, and arranges for Kenshin's return to Tokyo and Kaoru. The two finally meet, and Kenshin collapses into her arms as he clutches her to him. Kaoru then notices Kenshin's scar has faded away, signifying his death.[3] Nobuhiro Watsuki, after watching the last OVA, was quite unhappy with how the story ended, saying that "Kenshin went through so much crap and deserved a happy ending."[13]

Kenshin is a playable character in all of the Rurouni Kenshin video games,[39] including Jump Super Stars[40] and Jump Ultimate Stars.[41]

Tokiko Tsumura, one of the main characters of Buso Renkin, another series created by Watsuki, is based on the design of Kenshin as a hitokiri. Watsuki commented that Tokiko is the female version of the "Hitokiri Battōsai" when he drew her face.[42]

Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya Kuchiki (朽木 白哉, Kuchiki Byakuya?) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Bleach created by Tite Kubo. He is the captain of the 6th Division in the Gotei 13. His lieutenant is Renji Abarai.

Character outline

Byakuya Kuchiki is the 28th head of the noble Kuchiki clan, one of the four great noble families in Soul Society.[1] As such, Byakuya acts in an aristocratic manner — he seems always serene and apathetic towards other people, even when he is actually deeply conflicted. He is also extremely calm, even in battle, and is very seldom surprised by even the most drastic of actions. Ironically, when he was younger, he was quick to anger and very hotheaded, as noted by his grandfather, Ginrei Kuchiki; similar to the way Ichigo and Renji are now.

Byakuya strongly believes in law and order. As the head of one of the great noble families and as a captain in the Gotei 13, he always works hard for a peaceful society. He thinks that if someone in his position doesn't follow the rules as a good example, then no one will follow them.[2] He believes that to maintain the order, all law-breakers must be punished, even if that goes against his own wishes. Despite his icy and regal manner, Byakuya cares for and protects those important to him, even referring to Rukia as his "pride".

Byakuya is popular among the female Soul Reapers of Soul Society, and was voted number one in the "captain we desire to release a photo book for" poll taken by the Soul Reaper Women's Association. He likes cherry blossoms, night time walks, and spicy food.[1]

Byakuya wears the standard captain uniform along with a white headpiece called a kenseikan (symbolizing his noble rank as the head of the Kuchiki family) and a white scarf made by the master weaver, Tsujishirō Kuroemon III. The scarf is made from silver-white windflower light silk (ginpaku kazahana no uzuginu) and is a family heirloom handed down through the generations to the head of the Kuchiki family. Ten houses can be built for the cost of just one such scarf.[1] In the anime, the scarf is an extremely light green (episodes 52 and 53).

Byakuya seems to have a comic side to himself despite his extremely serious personality. He not only attends the lieutenants' meeting when Renji Abarai is absent, but also implies that he attends the meetings of the Soul Reaper Women's Association when Rukia is absent. In the Soul Reaper's Illustrated Picture Book in episode 118, he remarks"part of a captain's responsibilities are to make sure the lieutenant's responsibilities are taken care of." When Renji asks him if he also goes to Rukia's meetings, Byakuya responds only by smiling. In the Soul Reaper's Illustrated Picture Book in episode 113, Byakuya jokingly remarks that he uses Senbonzakura to cut his hair. In one of the omake chapters, Byakuya claims that life in general is not supposed to be entertaining, and even makes up an idea for a game that is not meant to be amusing. It was also shown in an omake chapter that Byakuya's artistic talent is similar to Rukia's (that is, non-existent). However, Rukia sees it as better than hers.


Little is known about Byakuya's early history. When his grandfather, Ginrei Kuchiki, was still the captain of the 6th Division, Byakuya was preparing to take over leadership of the clan, although his grandfather was worried about his rash and hotheaded attitude.[4] During this time Yoruichi Shihouin would play pranks on him and goad him into games of tag using flash steps,[5] which she won every time.

Around 55 years before the main Bleach storyline,[6] Byakuya married Hisana, who was then a commoner from Inuzuri, one of the poorest districts of Rukongai; therefore, he broke the rules by accepting her into the noble Kuchiki family. Shortly before her death from illness, Hisana asked Byakuya to find, adopt, and protect her biological sister, Rukia, whom she had abandoned as a baby. She also made him promise that he would not tell Rukia about her real family, for she believed that by abandoning Rukia when she was younger she was not worthy to be called Rukia's sister.

One year later, during Rukia's time at the academy, Byakuya found her and immediately adopted her into the Kuchiki clan. By adopting her, Byakuya respected his wife's last wish, but had broken the rules of his clan again. He later swore upon his parents' graves that he would never break the rules again, no matter what. As a result, he, though entirely apathetic on the surface, is actually deeply conflicted with the matter of Rukia's execution. Should he intervene, it would require breaking the promise to his parents and the rules again; but should he do nothing he would fail to fulfill the last promise he made to his dying wife to protect Rukia as his own sister.

It is implied that Byakuya Kuchiki became captain of the 6th division about 50 years before the main Bleach storyline (shortly before Rukia had entered the Gotei 13).[7] Gin Ichimaru became captain of the 3rd Division at the same time, and Gin would commonly start pointless conversations with Byakuya during times they crossed paths.


Byakuya first appears on a mission with his lieutenant, Renji Abarai, to capture Rukia Kuchiki and kill Ichigo Kurosaki. They succeed in retrieving Rukia, and would have easily killed Ichigo, if not for Rukia's intervention, pleading for Byakuya not to give the finishing blow. Byakuya later interrupts Ganju Shiba and Hanatarō Yamada's attempt to rescue Rukia and, later on, Renji's attempt. When Ichigo succeeded in rescuing Rukia, he and Byakuya have an extended battle, where both use their bankai. However, Ichigo's inexperience with his new release and Byakuya switching to a more powerful form leaves Ichigo at a disadvantage, with the temporary emergence of Ichigo's inner hollow evening the odds out once more. Following Ichigo's inner hollow's forced submission, both channel all their remaining power into one final attack, resulting in Byakuya's sword breaking and Byakuya walking away from the fight, declaring defeat. Later, when Sōsuke Aizen orders Gin Ichimaru to kill Rukia, Byakuya pulls her out of the attack and takes it instead. While being treated, Byakuya tells Rukia why she was adopted, apologizes to her and thanks Ichigo. Afterwards, Byakuya's attitude toward Rukia changes significantly. He is seen to care for Rukia in an indirect manner and displays a new view on the idea that the law is never perfect. However, he still appears to view Ichigo with disdain.

When the Bounts' threat to harm Soul Society becomes serious, Byakuya uses the Kuchiki Clan's records to gain information on the Bount for General Yamamoto. Byakuya, aiding Rukia in her battle with Yoshi, attempts to seek out the Bount leader Jin Kariya. The two meet, and engage in a battle that is interrupted by Ichigo and, later, Rantao. In the ongoing anime-exclusive Zanpakutō Unknown Tales arc, Byakuya betrays Soul Society and sides with the rogue Zanpakutō Muramasa, who had set the Soul Reapers' Zanpakutō, including Byakuya's own Senbonzakura, free from their control and was influencing them. He states his reasons for doing so were to maintain his pride, however, it is later revealed that Byakuya true intentions were to stay close to Muramasa so that he could locate and kill Muramasa's Soul Reaper Kouga Kuchiki for dishonoring the Kuchiki clan.

Byakuya reappears to retrieve Tōshirō Hitsugaya's team on General Yamamoto's order near the end of the Arrancar Arc, but he secretly allows Rukia and Renji to assist in Orihime's rescue. He reasons that he was only ordered to bring them back to Soul Society and that what they chose to do afterwards was none of his concern, though Ichigo and Rukia suspect otherwise. Byakuya appears later in Hueco Mundo to save Rukia from the 7th Espada, Zommari Leroux. After a quick clash using their speed, in which Byakuya is proven superior, Zommari releases his zanpakutō and takes control of Byakuya's body parts. When Byakuya cuts his left leg and arm tendons to negate the effect, Zommari turns his attention to Rukia, taking control of her body and forcing her own zanpakutō to her neck. Byakuya uses a binding spell to prevent Rukia's movement, then activates his bankai, engulfing Zommari with the millions of blades it creates. Zommari survives the attack, but finds himself powerless before Byakuya. He accuses Byakuya and all Soul Reaper of aristocratic pride, claiming that they "slay hollows as if it were their birthright", deeming Byakuya's actions as unjust. To this, Byakuya replies that he will kill Zommari, not because of "Soul Reaper protocol", but because he aspired to kill Rukia. He is finished off by a single strike from Byakuya's blade. Once Rukia is revived, Byakuya tells her to rest for the more important battles to come, and refuses treatment from the 4th squad lieutenant, captain, and 7th seat until Rukia is fully healed. He later appears to save Ichigo in his fight against the Cero Espada Yammy using a Kido spell to damage him, and then further engaging him in combat with Kenpachi Zaraki. When it seems that Byakuya and Kenpachi are about to defeat him, Yammy undergoes a monstrous new transformation.


As a captain of the Gotei 13, Byakuya is extremely skilled in all forms of Soul Reaper combat. In keeping with his rank, Byakuya's abilities allow him to defeat opponents of captain-level ability without much effort.

Of particular note is Byakuya's speed: he is skilled in the use of flash steps, having trained with (but never surpassed) Flash Master Yoruichi Shihōin.[8] Yoruichi also taught Byakuya some techniques of her own creation that involved flash steps, including one called utsusemi (空蝉, lit. empty cicada, in reference to their molting), which allows Byakuya to move out of harm's way while leaving an afterimage behind. One of Byakuya's favorite techniques, as described by Renji, is senka (闪花, lit. Flash Blossom), a flash step combined with a spin to quickly move behind the enemy, followed by a combination of two quick thrusts to destroy the opponents soul chain and soul sleep in one move, destroying their power.[9] He manages to quickly dispatch Ichigo in their first encounter with this technique only. In his battle with Zommari Leroux, he is able to maintain his composure and fight at full speed, despite being forced to cut the tendons in his left leg and arm to prevent Zommari from gaining control of them.

Byakuya has also displayed knowledge of high level kidō spells, and is able to cast spells up to number 81 without the incantation.[10] He is adept at using them strategically, such as disrupting the movement of Renji's bankai with a well-timed fire spell and damaging Ichigo's right arm by using a low-level lightning spell at point-blank range to burn a hole through his shoulder.[11]

Byakuya Kuchiki's zanpakutō is Senbonzakura (千本桜?, literally "thousand cherry blossoms"). Its shikai is triggered by the command "scatter" (散れ, chire?). In the English manga the phrase is translated inconsistently; at the start of volume fourteen it is translated as "die", though later in the same volume "scatter" is used instead. When manifested in the anime Zanpakutō Unknown Tales arc, Senbonzakura resembles a masked man in samurai armor with a half-cherry blossom decoration on his helmet.

In its shikai, Senbonzakura's blade separates into thousands of slender, petal-like blades. The release can be negated before it completes, such as when Yoruichi Shihouin wrapped the blade in cloth during Byakuya's short battle with Ichigo. While the blades are too small to see normally, they reflect light in such a way as to appear as cherry blossom petals. Byakuya can control the blades at will, allowing him to shred opponents at a distance and break through almost any defense. While Byakuya can control the blades with his mind alone, using his hands allows him to do so more effectively, making the blades move twice as fast.
Senbonzakura's bankai, senkei form.

Byakuya's bankai, named Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (千本桜景厳?, literally "Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms"), is essentially a much larger version of Senbonzakura's shikai. To activate it, Byakuya drops his sword. The sword passes through the ground and two rows of giant blades rise up from the ground. These then scatter into millions of tiny blades. The number of blades is great enough that Byakuya can use them for defense and offense at the same time. He commonly forms them into large masses of blades to crush opponents.[12][13] Like with his shikai, its attack is triggered with the phrase "scatter".

Byakuya's bankai has several forms, achieved by arranging the blades in different patterns. They are activated by saying the name of the technique followed by the name of his bankai. Each form presents a different advantage, such as increasing offense at the expense of defense.

Byakuya's attack form is "massacre scene" (殲景, senkei?, Viz: "annihilate"), which unites the scattered petals into complete swords that form rows of swords around Byakuya and his opponent. In this form, Byakuya abandons the defense potential of his many blades and concentrates on killing the enemy. While Byakuya can control these swords as he does his regular blades, he usually attacks with just one in hand. He remarks in his battle with Ichigo that he normally only shows senkei to those he has sworn to "kill by his own hand", Ichigo being the second to see this.[14] After immobilizing an opponent, he can call in the other blades to hit them while they're trapped. He can also use all the blades at once for one immensely powerful strike. Byakuya demonstrates that Senkei can also be used as a barrier to protect those inside from a barrage of Ceros blasts. He also displays the ability to activate Kageyoshi from inside Senkei, shattering all rows of swords at once.[15]

To overwhelm the defense of an opponent, Byakuya can use "pivotal scene" (吭景, gōkei?). This aligns every blade in a spherical formation around his opponent, which then collapses into them from every possible angle, leaving no blind spots and no chance to escape.[16]

As a final attack he can use "final scene" (終景, shūkei?, Viz: "last sight"). This condenses every one of his blades into a single sword, drastically increasing its cutting power. The blade appears bright white and its aura takes the form of a bird, earning it the name "white imperial sword" (白帝剣, hakuteiken?, Viz: "white emperor sword"). Byakuya also grows pure white wings and a halo-like circle in the back, both made of spiritual power.[17]

Yoichi Hiruma Devils bats

Yoichi Hiruma (蛭魔 妖一, Hiruma Yōichi?) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Eyeshield 21. His Japanese voice actor is Atsushi Tamura (listed in the anime credits as Atsushi Tamura of London Boots #1 and #2).


Yoichi Hiruma, usually referred to as Hiruma, is a protagonist and major driving force of the plot of Eyeshield 21. At the beginning of the series, he witnesses Sena Kobayakawa's running abilities and forces the boy to join the team as the ace running back, and hides his identity during games by having him use the codename "Eyeshield 21". He captains and plays quarterback for the series' protagonist team, the Deimon Devil Bats, but also serves the duties of a coach, as the team lacks one. He is responsible for arranging all of the Devil Bats' matches between the Spring and Fall Tournaments, and also devises the majority of the team's practice sessions. His major goal throughout the series is to form a complete team and win the Christmas Bowl with his first two teammates, Ryokan Kurita and Gen "Musashi" Takekura.

Hiruma has a deliberately demonic appearance that is even further accentuated by his daredevil attitude at both in and out of the football field, and is a subversion of the standard sports hero character archetype. In fact, his last name is spelled with a kanji meaning "leech demon," and his first name is spelled with a kanji meaning "bewitching one." His name can ultimately be read as "demon in broad daylight." He has dyed, spiky blond hair, fanged teeth, and pointed ears with multiple piercings. For various reasons, Hiruma is an intimidating person. He possesses a vast array of firearms, including but not limited to automatic rifles, flamethrowers, and bazookas. He frequently fires his guns into the air to intimidate others or simply when he is excited. He also tends to shoot at his teammates to make them practice harder, but it is implied that he does not use live ammo in these circumstances (Mamori once deflected a shot from Hiruma using nothing more than a clipboard). Despite his status as a protagonist, Hiruma is often described as "evil" by the other characters, including his comrades, and he has a reputation as a terrifying person throughout Deimon High School. This is not undeserved, as Hiruma has, through blackmail on virtually every person in the Tokyo area, acquired tremendous resources, including nearly complete control over Deimon High. He also seems to enjoy having his prized running back, Sena, to gain a fearsome reputation as Eyeshield 21 in the football field, as well as to some extent, outside of it. To this end, Hiruma often resorts to methods, that are hardly vied as legal (illegal hacking, disguising himself in the Eyeshield 21 attire, etc). In spite of this reputation, Hiruma's influence and behavior are frequently portrayed humorously, due to the fact that his actions tend to be over-the-top and presented lightly.

Conception and development

Inagaki said that he developed Hiruma as a character that does not follow the Japanese concept of emphasis on sportsmanship and effort in the game; instead Hiruma is "only concerned with winning." Inagaki intended to make an "anti-hero" or, as he refers to the concept, a "devil-hero." Yusuke Murata, the artist, said that every character he design has to have a distinct quality as many characters are in groups and each one has to stand out; Murata chose to portray Hiruma as looking "close to being a demon" since he heard from Inagaki that Hiruma had "the personality of a demon."



Seven years prior to the start of the series, Yoichi Hiruma, then ten years old, snuck into an American military base, where he witnessed a group of soldiers playing American football. Intrigued by the game, he soon caught on to its rules and later began studying its tactics. Hiruma became a regular spectator of the soldiers' games by sneaking through a hole in the wire fence surrounding the base. With his deep understanding of the game, he managed to successfully gamble on the winning teams, accumulating a large amount of money by the time he entered Mao Junior High, during which he dyed his hair to its current blonde color. Soon after Hiruma entered junior high, Ryoukan Kurita accidentally came across a series of scribbled plays that he had drawn up, and encouraged Hiruma to actively participate in the game. Although Hiruma at first had no interest in playing the game himself, he participated in one of the soldiers' games along with Kurita to replace two players who collapsed from heatstroke. While Hiruma and Kurita's team lost, along with all of Hiruma's winnings which he had gambled on the team, Hiruma became interested in starting his own American football team, with the ultimate goal of reaching the Christmas Bowl.

In order to establish an American football club, Hiruma created an expansive information network to acquire blackmail on virtually everyone in the Tokyo area, which allowed him to threaten the vice principal of Mao into allowing the creation of the club. During this time, Hiruma briefly acquired muscle in the form of Agon Kongo, set up a surveillance system with a large supply of hacked cellphone cameras, and recorded the information he acquired in a 'threat notebook' which remains on his person to the present day. After the reestablishment of the American football club with Doburoku Sakaki as club adviser, Gen "Musashi" Takekura decided to join the club because he thought Hiruma and Kurita were "fun," perhaps due to their unusual and persistent methods of attempting to persuade him to join. Together, the three new friends made a pact to reach the Christmas Bowl.

Kurita looked up to the Shinryuuji Naga, a team that had won every single Kanto Fall Tournament since its creation, so the three decided to join the team. Because Kurita could not hope to pass the Shinryuuji High entrance exam, Hiruma signed him up for the school's sports merit program, which would have permitted him to join the team. However, Agon applied for the program as well, because he believed the three to be "failures," and so Kurita was not permitted into Shinryuuji. Rather than leaving their friend behind, Hiruma and Musashi applied for Deimon High School, and together with Kurita established another new American football team, the Deimon Devil-Bats, with Hiruma as the quarterback, Kurita a lineman, and Musashi the kicker. Despite their lack of any other members, Hiruma remained enthusiastic about reaching the Christmas Bowl, simply recruiting members of other sports clubs to fill up the roster. Despite this measure, Deimon failed to win a single game, even losing 99-0 against the Ojo White Knights. Additionally, Musashi's father fell ill, requiring Musashi to take a greater role in his family's carpentry business and leave the team for an extended period of time.

Eyeshield 21

At the beginning of the series, Hiruma and Kurita, now in their second year of high school, aggressively attempt to recruit new members to the Deimon Devil Bats from the newer students. At first their only successful recruit is the reluctant Sena Kobayakawa, as Hiruma witnesses his incredible running speed and agility and forces him to be the team's running back. Hiruma additionally hides Sena's identity by making him wear an eyeshield and adapt the moniker 'Eyeshield 21'. Hiruma enters the Devil Bats into the Spring Tournament, where the team is eliminated early by the Oujou White Knights in a one-sided match, though Sena's potential as an ace runner appears briefly. Following their defeat, the Devil Bats search for members and prepare for the grander Autumn Tournament. In the meantime, Hiruma did all his best to make Eyeshield 21 appear badass, possibly in an attempt to prevent people from linking the facts together that he and Sena are one and the same.

Hiruma, through intimidation, blackmail, cyber terrorism, and other similar methods, plays a crucial role in the development of the young Devil Bats team. He single-handedly devises the team's recruitment drives and game plans, as well as all of the training routines until Doburoku returns to the team and instructs the team on some occasions. Among Hiruma's many accomplishments in the series include circumventing the selection process to face the Nasa Aliens, using the Aliens' return trip tickets to the United States for the Devil Bats' training in North America, and winning 20,000,000 yen (approximately $200,000) at Las Vegas to pay off Doburoku's debts.

Unlike many of the members of the Deimon Devil Bats, Hiruma does not explicitly experience a great improvement in ability over the course of series, instead acting as a reliable "control tower" for the team. Hiruma's insight and strategic mind, especially his knack for devising trick plays, are critical in the Devil Bats' various matches. As the Devil Bats advance into the Kanto Tournament, Hiruma's relation to his teammates visibly changes, as he seems to place more faith in their abilities. His demonic facade is also seen through by the team manager, Mamori, whom he shares a deep understanding with, despite constant bickering and teasing. Over time, this faith becomes critical in many of Deimon's victories, as several critical plays, such as an unexpected onside kick against Shinryuuji and a silent midplay huddle on the last play against Oujou, are based around the team members' ability to understand and believe in each other. Additionally, contrary to Hiruma's typically tactical mindset, he accomplishes several feats seemingly through sheer willpower, including recovering from a broken arm in just a few weeks prior to the Christmas Bowl against the Teikoku Alexanders. Eventually, in the final game against the Alexanders, Hiruma discards his objective outlook, putting faith in his teammates even when victory against Teikoku appears statistically impossible, which ultimately leads to the Devil Bats winning the championship.

Following the Christmas Bowl, Hiruma is selected by Shin to be one of Team Japan's two quarterbacks due to his knack for trick plays, and Hiruma quickly settles in as the main strategist on the team. Even before this, Hiruma spies on Team USA to acquire information on the ace American players, who are considered by far the favorites to win the tournament. In typical fashion, Hiruma refuses to permit players on the team out of sympathy rather than merit, including his Devil Bats teammates, but does agree with the decision to hold a final tryout as a method of enlisting bench players.

During the World League he mentioned in a conversation between him, Kid and Agon he would "struggle to death" to become the tournaments MVP and join the NFL, not caring about the 300 million yen award.

In chapter 318, it is revealed that Hiruma's father, Yuuya Hiruma, was an amateur chess champion, and Hiruma had likely inherited his insight from him. Yuuya had used an aggressive style of chess, and had tried to move on to the pros, but then he kept losing and was forced to move to a defensive style. Losing too many matches, he quit altogether and retired. This might have spurred Hiruma's "winning is everything" motto, and his aggressive attack play.

In chapter 333 the plot has skipped ahead two years. Hiruma, now in college, is part of (and, as Jumonji put it, 'controlling from the shadows') the college's American football team, Saikyoudai. .