
How to Make Real life stuff Anime style!!!!

1. Get a pic from somewhere. I like to make them 1200 pixels wide so they look good when I resize them back down.
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2. Make it lighter so you can see what you're doing
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3. On a new layer, make an outline by using the pen tool and stroking it with the airbrush. Do small pieces at a time. Since it's on a different layer, you can see it without the original pic.[/b]
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Help with the pen tool:

A. 1. Get the right properties
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B. Place an anchor point
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C. Place another point. Choose a place where the curve you're trying to make has some sort of change. I chose this location because it's where the relatively straight A-pillar meets the somewhat curved roof. To place this point, click (but don't release) and drag the mouse around until the curve falls where you want it to. Try different angles and different distances. I find that it usually works if I make the line tangent to the curve.
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D. Place another point, same idea as above. When dragging the mouse to get the right curve, you can even go off the edge of the image. Sometimes I have to zoom out in order to be able to drag far enough.
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E. Stroke by right clicking and picking 'Stroke Path...' and choosing the brush. Make sure you're on a visible layer or it won't let you do it. I like to stroke with a 2 pixel brush because it looks smoother than a 1 pixel brush. 2 pixels is kind of big though, so that's why I make my pics huge to start with. Don't forget to delete the path after you stroke it.
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Should look like this so far:
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Part 2: Shade

1. On a new layer, make a body base
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2. On a new layer, make body shadows. Use the pen tool and fill the path.
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3. On a new layer, make body highlights
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4. You should have something like this. Notice I decided to make the panel between the taillights match the paint like the kouki 180.
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5. Do similarly for glass, tires, wheels, muffler, lights, all on new layers
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6. On a new layer, blacken everything that will always be black
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Part 3: Color

1. Copy the 'body base' layer and put it under the 'body highlight' layer but above 'body shadows.' Color the copy of 'body base' the color that you want the car to be. By having the color on a separate layer, you can change it later and it won't affect the shading at all.
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2. Play with the opacity of 'body highlight,' 'body color,' and 'body shadows' until you get a look you like
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Part 4: Details

1. On a new layer under the 'glass base' layer, make some black interior silhouettes and reduce the opacity on 'glass base' so you can see the silhouettes through the glass
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2. Put something on the license plate and in this case I needed to highlight the muffler tip too
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And That's all folks!! I hope you like it.

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